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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Those pilot's egos are writing cheques their bodies can't cash.
  2. B - don't sweat about D4D, I'll hang onto the boxes in the wagon and bring them to Shepparton on Friday.
  3. Another reminder that these will be available at the General Meeting tomorrow (Tues) James
  4. Also - DON'T FORGET YOUR LAPTOP for photoshop training.
  5. God damn this thread. "You are the current high bidder" Cool
  6. Adz - keep your pants on when you look at this... http://cgi.ebay.com.au/HUGE-Lego-1983-Clas...1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. Ah - they need to get to my place first, hence the need for Forest Gump.
  8. YLWGTR - BTW you'll love this page Troy, memories galore! http://www.vintagercweb.com/ads.html
  9. The Frog! Awesome! I washed cars up and down the street for about 4-months to buy the Grasshopper, then about 2-weeks after I got it - dad came speeding down the drive and crushed it I'm not afraid to say there were tears... But then, a few weeks later - dad came home from work with THIS! It is in our backyard even today Free to good home!
  10. Just a reminder that TODAY is the last day for the special pre-payment price. If you make a payment today and it doesn't show up until Tuesday - that's fine, just note in the thread that it was made today and we'll keep an eye out for it. Also - a massive thanks to everyone for helping by pre-paying. I can tell you there was more than a smidge of concern knowing we would have to outlay over $9,000 from the club account in one hit. Having the pre-payments in has made that a much less stressful exercise. Thanks all Jackets on Tuesday - very exciting! Have had to enlist the help of the Team Ward Forester, as the boxes are too big to ft in the Lada. Cool! James
  11. Great work Snows & Troy - this is shaping up to look like a fantastic event Hell - even I might venture trackside! BTW: Alan - once you have a CAMS L2S you need not worry about other forms of annual licence.
  12. CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE! Yes! They were the bestest books ever! I loved how more often than not, you died a horrible death. Perfect for kids I think this was one of my favourites...
  13. Mine never had the USA flag - was living in Montreal at the time, so mine was the Terrance and Philip maple-leaf version.
  14. We never had figures (He-Man etc) or Transformers. Just not educational enough Nothing battery operated either - it's funny as Dad used to work with Union Carbide, you'd think he'd have the tip on batteries.
  15. I also had this - the Fisher Price ATV. There are photos of me getting it for my first birthday - and I remember having it until I was 7! Bad. Ass. It had a horn, the shifter made a 'rrrrrRRRRR' noise and the little guys in the front could come out to play with. The back opened up to put stuff inside. Top shelf!
  16. * cough WASTELAND please
  17. Jamezilla

    Play Time!

    All... It's been a pretty bad week in the SAU world. Thefts, accidents, 'Hoon' laws, parking tickets, fuel prices and forum viruses... not fun at all. To bring some smiles and kick-start some memories, this thread is based on a discussion here at work yesterday where one of the guys bought his 4-month old son the new Lego Death Star (ages 16+) We all agreed that this was an awesome toy - even if he can't play with it for another 15 years - and the 80's memories started coming back. http://shop.starwars.com/catalog/product.xml?product_id=3816 So... what was the best-ever toy you had? Lego? Transformers? Speak & Spell? - what was it? Do you still have it - or would you buy it again should it pop up on eBay? For me... It was the Space Lego 'Galaxy Explorer'. Originally released in 1979, Alistair and I got it as a joint Christmas present in 1981. It was massive and had the back doors that opened to hold a little buggy inside. BEST. LEGO. EVER. There's a couple on eBay at the moment selling for about $120 Aus... I don't want it that much, but it's still super cool! James
  18. Hi All, This page holds all of the regular SAU Vic Spec Newsletters. The newsetters feature important club information, updates, changes, new exciting events and other bric-a-brac. Be sure to read up on these when they are avaiable to be upto speed with the latest in SAU VIC. Newsletter Downloads here: http://www.sauvic.com.au/member_newsletters/ Note: They are all configured for Acrobat v6.0 or newer so you may need to download it here http://www.adobe.com
  19. Indeed Definitely going to need a bigger boat. And some dynamite. And Roy Scheider. Spoke to council though - have the details to escamalate this to their legal dept. Will be sending my hearing request later in the week.
  20. * right-click - save as desktop
  21. I have some bigger fish to fry after a not particularly tops weekend - but will be speaking to the council early this week. Shall keep you updated.
  22. Speak to Roof Carrier Systems in Toorak Rd, Camberwell. My racks were about $250 brand new - Thule brand - but they always have second hand and rental ones. BTW - R33 owners: I still have my roof racks from the GT-R. Perfect for snowboards. Welcome for anyone to borrow if you are heading to the snow. Suit ALL R33 2-doors and leave NO marks on the car.
  23. Nice work Tommy You win 2nd place! And yeah, these weren't as hard as last time. I was on an Italian theme. Next issue - expect something much harder (and that's without Crispy influence - I have a new idea) For those of you playing at home, we have: 1. Fiat Dino Spyder 2. Lancia Beta Montecarlo 3. Alfa Romeo SZ Zagato 4. Lamborghini Espada Note different pix just to prove their existence as real cars
  24. And people say you can't get a GT-R sideways...
  25. Because we're ace.
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