It's been a pretty bad week in the SAU world. Thefts, accidents, 'Hoon' laws, parking tickets, fuel prices and forum viruses... not fun at all.
To bring some smiles and kick-start some memories, this thread is based on a discussion here at work yesterday where one of the guys bought his 4-month old son the new Lego Death Star (ages 16+)
We all agreed that this was an awesome toy - even if he can't play with it for another 15 years - and the 80's memories started coming back.
So... what was the best-ever toy you had?
Lego? Transformers? Speak & Spell? - what was it?
Do you still have it - or would you buy it again should it pop up on eBay?
For me...
It was the Space Lego 'Galaxy Explorer'. Originally released in 1979, Alistair and I got it as a joint Christmas present in 1981. It was massive and had the back doors that opened to hold a little buggy inside.
There's a couple on eBay at the moment selling for about $120 Aus... I don't want it that much, but it's still super cool!