Hi all
Just a reminder that Round 2 of the SAU Motorkhana series is on this coming Saturday 27th May - at DECA in Shepparton. Entries have long since closed, but spectators and officials are more than welcome!
No cost of entry. Photos and videos are encouraged. Action starts around 9.00am. Great fun for all!
Briefing around 8.30am. Radios, vests, stopwatches, sombreros and drinks provided. FREE LUNCH and LADA RIDE for all officials! We need at least 10 officials to work with me on the Skidpan and Troy on the back track in the morning session - actual roles will be allocated during the briefing.
It might be a little chilly - so remember a jacket and best to bring a raincoat.
Please lodge your interest here - feel free to ask any questions