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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. All photos - many chuckles http://www.jamezilla.com/sau/deca4/ BTW: sent the family the photos of the kids in the hats. Too cute:
  2. I have a wheelbrace.
  3. I've done many things. Currently... Online Marketing and Communications Manager for Gourmet Garden
  4. Jamezilla

    Scenic Drives

    Black Spur up to Yea is a good one. Nice roads around Macedon/Romsey too.
  5. Just home. Tired. Thanks all for a great weekend. A few little hicups - but I think overall it was an excellent event. I have 412 photos to sort through. So... ah, don't expect them up in a hurry. Need a zzzz...
  6. I have a large number of these should anyone feel left out and devoid of style.
  7. Drive?? Providing most of the events take place on the Trial Mountain course I'll be fine. Plus, I've been practicing...
  8. Snows: yeah, I'd prefer a cinema too. Paul: it's on general release so will likely be shown at a drive in anyway. With the other 'car' films at Coburg, they had some promo thing on so we got free tix. Basically - will check out a drive in option for those wanting that, can arrange group bookings at a normal cinema too (makes it cheaper with the bulk tix)
  9. Age - I'll meet you at Donnybrook. Can you guys stop in - or give me a call when you getting closer? Saff - We don't stop until Shepparton, so either grab something earlier or put up with the truckstop food. I reccommend the former
  10. I'll speak to Coburg when I get back to Melbourne next week. We did one there a few years ago for the opening of the 'Italian Job' movie - should be good fun
  11. This is a great idea guys - but perhaps a non-Gold Class might be a better option? The other possibility is the Coburg Drive-In. Would that be something people would like to attend? James
  12. Thanks guys & girls Others - remember these are great fun events. Being an official is a great way to take part.
  13. Yep - cameras up the waazoo. At least 3 sets before the Flowerdale turnoff. See you all there
  14. Hi all Just a reminder that Round 2 of the SAU Motorkhana series is on this coming Saturday 27th May - at DECA in Shepparton. Entries have long since closed, but spectators and officials are more than welcome! Spectators No cost of entry. Photos and videos are encouraged. Action starts around 9.00am. Great fun for all! Officials Briefing around 8.30am. Radios, vests, stopwatches, sombreros and drinks provided. FREE LUNCH and LADA RIDE for all officials! We need at least 10 officials to work with me on the Skidpan and Troy on the back track in the morning session - actual roles will be allocated during the briefing. It might be a little chilly - so remember a jacket and best to bring a raincoat. Please lodge your interest here - feel free to ask any questions Cheers James
  15. Where's Ash when you need him...
  16. Jamezilla

    Da Vinci Code

    Tom Hanks should have started with Batchelor Party and ended with Big. But... the book was enjoyable and the movie looks like a good thriller - just can't believe all the hoo-hah over it. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and remember it's not real.
  17. BTW: Matchbox Superkings Matra Rancho Monteverdi Hai I used to have both of them
  18. I'll think of something good Last time Justin won a cool R/C GT-R! BTW: do people enjoy these sorts of things in the newsletter? Dezz - if you can't come to the meeting, we'll have your prize at DECA.
  19. WINNER! Dezz got them 100% spot on - he gets a prize. MUST collect from the meeting 1. Nash Metropolitan 2. Matra Rancho (we had one for about 3 months when I was 5) 3. Monteverdi Hai (matchbox car was orange) 4. Sbarro Windhawk/Windhound Site here: http://clcalvet.club.fr/sbarro/windhound/windhoundgb.html Check the exhaust on the top pic - crazy Swiss.
  20. Tsk tsk - not even a peep on my mystery cars. Very dissapointing - shows how much you cheated last time Justin Remember - you get a prize! Clues: 1. English/American 2. French 3. Swiss 4. Swiss/Saudi Arabia 2 and 3 were available as Matchbox cars
  21. Russell - fill in a form anyway, we'll put you on the 'reserve' list Officials thread going up shortly...
  22. $5 on a Cima.. They have a screw on each side and are not as 'rectangular' as other ones.
  23. Shouldn't all you kids be in bed?
  24. Nice work Joel - anyone would think you'd taken photos before Hehe - that stupid Lada... Hopefully next time we'll have the 2.0L Kombat Kabrio battle, and I'll have the blue meanie
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