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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Aaron: Yep, membership renewal will be sent out to you.
  2. I see no-one has guessed my mystery cars yet I must have forgot to mention - if you get them, you get a prize! If no-one gets them... you ALL have to buy me a beer
  3. BTW: Will try and get size samples of the shirts to the meeting on Tuesday. It is the same company that made the Autosalon shirts. So if you are a medium in those - fair to say, you'll be a medium here too.
  4. Lets see you get all the mystery cars this time Justin
  5. Hehe - worse. It wasn't the seat belt, it was the seat Surely we should have a 'best sounding car' trophy...
  6. Russell - here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=116780
  7. Hehe Berin. This was a 21.7 run - faster than you! http://members.optusnet.com.au/star_trippa..._heathcote.divx
  8. 160km/h... yeah, right And it was a fair call. The lines and markings aren't super clear for those who haven't done it before. There's no big sign or busty lass in a bikini waving a chequered flag for you. That said - one run makes it pretty obvious. Very pleased everyone had a good time. The WRX guys share much the same sentiment, so I think another one MUST be done before the end of the year. Team Lada will have some surprises
  9. Don't forget to get some new Blinker Fluid as well... http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=...adb1958668e0375
  10. Hi David SAU Members only until tomorrow (Monday). Snows will post it first thing. James
  11. Hehe - I love the pic of the Lada staging up. It actually looks quite serious - little do they know... Hehe - next time bring the ute and I'll whip out some 2.0L twin cam upgrades Thanks again to Tuspeed
  12. Top work all, a great day. Huge thanks to Tuspeed for their support too These inter-club events are really great fun - especially with such a good turnout! And I'm ashamed to say I think I had more fun challenging John's Tarago than I did punching out 12s in the GT-R We'll have to do this again. BTW: Poite - I'm tired and grumpy and cannot be assed taking the trailer back to outer whereversville right now. Will drop it off with your tyres later in the week. Let me know if a problem.
  13. i dn'tc aree i', druk hav been to stippers - as axece w met chick ith great gbooooobs ay
  14. Map7... 1. Requirements are similar - events are similar 2. Yes you need a licence - $45 for an AASA one. L2S licence is cost only, no test. 3. Yes you may have a passenger. They need to sign an indemnity form and have their own helmet on the 'track' events 4. No - you do what you want to do - but you get no points if you don't enter 5. This thread was to enable people to pre-book accommodation. If you enter the event (entries open early May) then you can suss out accommodation then.
  15. Am I the only one man enough to say that that looks ace! I'm dead keen to get liquored up and see it
  16. Nah - was a new LS1 powered Elfin. This thing:
  17. Haha Age - just don't forget to add 'Lada owner' to your CV. Will send you a photo of your new baby tomorrow.
  18. You can react by crapping your pants! I can practically SMELL Snowplow's money. Team Gayside best keep their cocks in check! Troy - crack me a tinny and fire up Gran Turismo. I feel like some practice...
  19. Don't get your panties in too bigger bunch - it's a shithole, sure - but more of a cultural shithole than anything else. Lots of young families down that way. You'll be fine Just avoid 'The Pines' and 'Skye' and shopping centres.
  20. Good work everyone. Great day, great times, no incidents BTW: I think I need a faster car - SuperLada didn't even top 90kmh up the back straight. Good to see other clubs involved, but I must say I have removed the word 'clubman' from my Christmas card list. Mostly nice people - but two things during the day did not particularly impress me, nor win my favours. That is all I'll say. Also - that Rarri is so porn. I LOVE it.
  21. Right. 1. I grew up in Frankston. It is a hole. That said, parking your car anywhere is a risk - be wary, don't leave anything valuable in it, get an alarm and make sure you are insured - as shi*t happens. As an example, my GT-R was basically stripped in my driveway in South Yarra a few years ago. It's a nice part of town - I wasn't pleased. 2. Al, you are 6-foot? Hahaha - shortass 3. Ash, You can take the man out of the west... but you can never take the west out of the man.
  22. Hi there. 1. Just so you know, it's UPholsterer 2. Yep - covered regularly, but since Ash isn't here - I'll let it slide Gary Blackman in Richmond. Top shelf - all those swanky Euros can't be wrong. http://www.garryblackmantrimming.com/ Auto Image in Thomastown. Still top notch, but less Porsches/Benzes - more Commodes and Soarers. http://www.autoimage.com.au/
  23. Vote 9 - it's cool
  24. UAS - http://www.nismo.com.au - have the Nismo Series II lower lips.
  25. Top stuff Clarkey. Remember - one beer for each year
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