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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Jamezilla


    What was that band with all the hot chicks on the other day? No idea what they were squawking about - but it sure was a good video. BEPs were cool - and despite Fergie being a tasty biscuit, they are shitting me a bit. At least we agree the Strokes and White Stripes are OK. That said, if Jack White's sister rang my doorbell and didn't have a pizza with her, there would be a swift dose of 'get the f*ck out of my yard' handed out.
  2. Jamezilla


    CURRENT stuff f*ck you - stop bringing the Jovi into this! We'll go through that another night. I suppose the Bon Jovi special on MAX now isn't helping though. God damn they were ace... Anyway - I just wanted to add that Keith Urban is tops for getting a bit of Nicole pie, but that doesn't excuse his music. Same with that Blunt guy - shut the hell up about your depressing life already! We don't care.
  3. Jamezilla


    Ooh - what a good thread. I'll go first... 1. The Streets suck 2. 50c and the rest of his no talent bling posse suck even more. 3. The Darkness are ace, but need some dental 4. Madonna has nice pins, until you remember she's a broad minded personty grandma 5. Wolfmother are cool 6. Kanye is cool - plus he busts the moves on Pammy, just like Tommy Lee 7. System of a Down just keep getting better 8. That Mylo guy sure knows how to punch out a dance track 9. Where are the Chems? 10. Mash-ups are the new hottness
  4. Jamezilla


    OK. Watching lots of VH1, MTV and V lately has started much current music discussion in the Playboy Mansion. TB and I know where we stand - what are your thoughts? Encouraged: Put forward your likes and dislikes - and any rationale to back either up. Recomendations for new artists Discouraged: Picking on other people. Sure - some people think The Streets are great. That's OK - they're wrong, that's life. Banned: This mainly for me - but this is a discussion on CURRENT music. No remissing back to the hey day of the 80's and saying that Motley Crue are the best band ever. We already know they are - no need to point it out again. OK, and... go
  5. I can't believe you heathens are dissing the Chase like this. Man - I lived there every Wednesday night from about 1993 to 1999 for Hard 'n Fast. Top stuff. * sigh - memories
  6. Hooray for Jarrod! You're aw-rays bweaking my balls.
  7. Jamezilla

    Car Trailer

    Hehe - nice Rosco Note - that before you laugh too hard the Lada has been known to tow R32s and couches! PS: pleased someone finally worked out how to spell 'trailer' - was killing me
  8. Ah - the Terminator. Many funny nights and somewhat hazy memories. I once left there and woke up on a round-about 3 suburbs away. Happy times. Not sure what's on for Friday, but will pop in if I have a chance. We can have an after-party at Leewah's too, he's practically next door!
  9. Makspeed is on Little Bourke somewhere near Chinese restaurants and a pub where you go in fine... come out, eveything's blurry. They sell badges, stickers and accessories - as well as provide a parts ordering bit too.
  10. Tommo wins - Toofey's is the best. Everything else is just a fish and chip shop with tablecloths.
  11. Yep. Let me know when suits.
  12. Nope - definitely Pumas. They were blessed with some Hollywood upgrades to look like the Hind-A though. Same in Rambo 3 (but the Hind-D). Word is the pilots loved the extra stability provided by the (fake) wing pods so much they nearly crashed trying to push the envelope or bust the hard deck or do whatever it is pilots do. re: Red Dawn. It's a favourite family special here at the Plyboy Mansion. One of the Ladas overheated whilst exploring fire trails in the Bunyip Forrest last year. I had to pee in the radiator. For a moment there - I WAS Charlie Sheen!
  13. They sure are! Well - for us 'co drivers' at least. Those other guys are too busy driving and winning. * sigh - someone has to be a smooth pimp daddy...
  14. Yep. Blue Thunder was a modified Gazelle Airwolf was a Bell 222 The Hinds that John-J shoots down with a bow and arrow in Rambo 3 are modified Pumas. Same as the Hinds that punch hot lead through Jennifer Grey in Red Dawn
  15. Cowie no chance people would get cross here Afterall - you posted the facts. People like me just make stuff up based on what movies they saw while drinking last weekend. Kam hehe - Comanche. Another pretend helicopter When shown next to the Hulk, they looked less realistic than he did. We'd be better off with Blue Thunder or Airwolf, if only you could get Earnest Borgnine to sober up. My rotor-bourne support choice would be good old cold-war Ruskie gear. Kamov KA-50 Looks a bit scarier with some munitions though...
  16. Haha - you wish! Luke Oxley took it at MAS 2004.
  17. Preview here: http://www.fullboost.com.au/_fb_live.php * note image on bottom right. Tops
  18. Alan - they are Vietnam era air-support. Nothing like the latest and greatest for our armed forces.
  19. Dave - that would be an Bell UH-1 Iroquios... or Huey. Very distinctive sound - thump thump thump etc It flew over our place about midday.
  20. Last ones... Calder Rally Masters - proudly supported by Men's Gallery. Classy. Team Wang support crew Even this doens't shop how steep the Thunderdome banks are. Lining up for the final event Someone else brought a support Lada! Hooray
  21. Still more... Smokey Richmond The boys plan their attack in the super-gate motorkhana Chris' front bar suffered on the transition from the banked dome to the pit entry Smokey Beable - outdoes Smokey Richmond It's OK - there's no sugar
  22. More more... Fat Monaro had no problem with power - but a few problems with traction Geoff (with a G) in his super-cheater Evo didn't make a mistake all weekend Jeff (with a J) pushed his beautiful targa-spec GT-R very hard - consistent top-5 finishes A full-moon salute for Snowy Brisby - new career as an amature photographer?
  23. More... Despite some great competition, Snowy and Chris owned the motorkhanas Pig pony was an absolute animal Chopper Read on Scootie-puff Junior Entrants varied from caged rally cars to a Subaru Outback - complete with roofracks and tow-hitch. There was a 993 Turbo, NSX, RS4 wagon and a range of very well presented 240z's. Rare BMW 3.0CSL 'Batmobile' looked and sounded sweet.
  24. What's a motorsport event review thread without photos... Team Base Some nice relaxed drag-racing to start the day Big brakes. Bigger dish. Calder Park needs a visit from Jamie Durey's home improvement crew Thunderdome. 2-men enter... 1-man leave
  25. "Bogies like fireflies all over the sky" I can say now - that if during the games some pilot jock splashes some migs into the Yarra... I'll cheer.
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