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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Racebrakes? (03) 9326-6088 BTW: have you noticed that pepermint Freddos are hard to find these days?
  2. Hooray - well done guys Best of well wishes for the future!
  3. Cool - wish I had your foresight when I was 13. Too busy with Lego and Astroyboy cartoons... Anyway: 1. turn 14 2. join a CAMS affiliated car-club... like SAU Vic 3. get CAMS licence 4. lobby supportive parents to take you to track meets 5. compete, learn, improve and have fun 6. remember me when you are Ferrari's F1 driver. I'd like a mint F40. You can come to our track and motorkhana events to spectate and see how things work to get a bit more info too. Making money means spending money - no-one busts out their cheque book until you start winning and winning lots... but you have to be in it to win it Best of luck - hope to see you at an event soon Check the SAU Vic calendar in the events section to see what's coming up.
  4. No probs Troy - let me know if you want anything more or any specific colours - or even just Ash photoshopped onto more Brokeback Mountain pictures
  5. Just finished. About to go drinking... Outright: 1st: Jeff Beaumont - Evo 6 (Cheater spec) 2nd: Chris & Troy - team White Car 3rd: Snowy & James - team Blue Car Only 2-points difference! Fantastic work to both Chris and Andrew - truly excellent result when considering the callibre of the other cars and competitors. Well done! * also - worth noting now (only becuase Snowpants will surely bring it up) that team Blue Car would have come second if we had done better in the only event that I actually was required in. The 1.4 Leewah weight disadvantange and the fact our navigation aids were far too advanced for the timing system - let us down. Sorry Snowy
  6. This particular booth is quite inexpensive. You just need to wait for the owners to move their car.
  7. Back on at 10am - no provisional results yet. Events are fun. Organisation is somewhat lacking. Dome is steep.
  8. How's this? Just let me know if you want any other colours - is easy
  9. Im too lazy to log in as me so ... with regards to the rotor, getr a kew, meytal skewer and clean out the slots...dependign on the pad you use, you can actuallt deposit pad on the rotor. Pad deposits on the rotor are generally a good sign as it helps with teh friction co-effecient, and when bedding brakes is what you are trying to achive...so just check that its not pad and gunk in the slots....or they could be dead Awesome work, how did Ferni go
  10. What's really sad is that I still have most of these threads - and I've been at Calder all day! You all suck. PS: Team blue-car is going ace. Thunderdome was cool - even without Tina Turner. Two men enter. One man leave.
  11. Protective Services = Feds They look after security for venues and officials (heads of state etc). They couldn't give a crap about you on Chaps - it's all the other Po-pos in South Yarra you should worry about.
  12. Jamezilla

    How Many Cans?

    My head hurts. I think it's time for bed... PS: anyone reading this is weak for not being out and makking chicks (or guys if that's how it works). BTW: I'm old and makking chicks in my sleep - should you feel the urge to question my authority to make such accusations.
  13. Well if it does - Ash will love it
  14. Jamezilla

    How Many Cans?

    That's just nature's way of saying stop drinking scotch and f*cking tonic.
  15. An adventure to dwarf the best that Survivor, Amazing Race, Fear Factor and Dancing With the Stars - put together - could imagine is coming soon. Feel free to speculate - but it'll be more exciting than that. Unless someone craps on about Falcor the Luck Dragon svaing Eternia - in which case a swift kick to the balls is recommended. BTW: Bastian grew up to be a year 9 drama teacher and got fired for.. well, you know how it goes The super exciting thread will be up later this week.
  16. Jamezilla

    How Many Cans?

    Just so you all know - Bris and I both have to navigate in a competition event tomorrrow. I'm sure none of the other teams have used out 'get drunk - be funny' methodology - which will surely provide us with an advantage. More so for me - as the blue car is faster than the white car Yay!
  17. Plus - as I'm sure some smartass like Shan will point this out... Sticky threads don't count. Now... where's my air-horn? I want the one with the emergency vehicle noises
  18. So... you're in Thailand and will come to Melb? Want to help fix the clutch on a Lada?
  19. Proof for the masses...
  20. See boys and girls. Irrisponsible levels of drinking can earn you the satisfaction of owning every thread on the page. No matter how inane your posts are Yay! PS: totally f*cked - bed time. I have to get up in 3 hrs. Hope Snowy doesn't need to trust my judgement too much...
  21. Jamezilla

    How Many Cans?

    What do I know about shifting?! Haha - Our neighbours must love us. PS: guess what movie Bris was watching when I staggered in? Clue: And I... I... I... will always love you.... ou.... ou...
  22. Jamezilla

    How Many Cans?

    Hehe - I have to be in Patty Lakes in 4hrs. You think I'll be OK to drive?
  23. You can put Peco Star rims backwards on the Lada to increase offset. Doesn't help you - but it would make my car look phat
  24. Sumitomos are pretty well priced. Japanese Dunlops.
  25. Jamezilla

    How Many Cans?

    This is pretty bad.
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