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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Might be time to investigate a 'winter' driver training day...
  2. Great work Steve Congratulations
  3. Ash, Ash, Ash... The colour of your covers should compliment and offset the colour of the car. Purple Golgo with gold motor looked hawt. A midnight purple cover wouldn't have had the same impact. Gayside blue wouldn't suit at all - too tonally wrong. I ask this... What colour are your calipers or other 'hilight' items on the car? This would be a good colour to match. Personally, I'd go with a deep red finish on your calipers and engine (similar to an R34 motor) - will stand out against the navy blue and even look good with the green stripe down the side from when you backed into your neighbour's car You might have a nice car yet.
  4. Thanks guys:) Was a very busy day in the model taxi, and you'll be pleased to know I feel old. No immediate plans for shenannagins though... although it would be remis of me to ignore it all together. Stay tuned
  5. Wow Dave - with a local KK store, you might finally hit 1.2Leewahs (that's 60kg for the rest of you)
  6. Last one. Is waaaay past my bedtime. Hehe
  7. BTW: Bris and I couldn't resist trying to help Tom wake up and enjoy his surroundings. Doesn't seem to have worked
  8. I win
  9. Glad you had a great day Greg - was great to have you along The knockouts are always good fun and may return in the next event. James (the guy with the megaphone)
  10. What's wrong with Russian technology? PS: Roy Fokker loves a bit of the batteroid mode - if you know what I mean
  11. Yes - I read this last week and felt a well of emotion similar to when you hear the 'Goose is dead' music But - considering the F14A was deisgned in the late '60s, it's probably time the old girl retired - much like Viper. And screw FA18s - I think they should just get a fleet of Mig-28s - afterall, they can do a 4G negative pushover despite having inverted flight tanks.
  12. I want to particularly congratulate Team Purple - Fern & Geoff, you really did well out there. Was great to see you give both Snows and Chris a run for their money. Excellent work. Golgo would be proud
  13. BTW: has anyone got any pix of the super support Lada? I just plum forgot Also Juz... I had breakfast at Tiffany's this morning
  14. Gee Mav - looks like someone's trying to out-yellow the super-banana. Lucky we know you weren't in Gippsland on Saturday morning PS: all the more reason for Skyline owners to partake in our off-street club events, where you can have loads of fun and 'hoon' all you like in a safe, legal environment.
  15. Just got back from Tiffany & Co. after party. Life's tough. So... Another great day. Thanks to everyone who came to compete, help and watch. You are all ace. 2x Pancho-Villas are more than enough. Some pictures... Would you trust this man to paint your car? Lada Rallye conversion is well underway. You can just feel the concentration... Support Team - X-5! Snowy makes sure he has the dry ground for the driver briefing. Storm rolling in... Team stock wants a challenge. He's pointing at you Leewah. Just a little bit sunburnt. "Who drank 2 of these?!" Tis the season to steal Christmas themed gingerbread men - tra-la-la-la-la Blaise is leading the Perth Dutton... that's tops OK everyone - just strike a natural pose. These people had no idea what the f*ck was going on. Nah Tom, you don't need a nap. You look fine. Someone just told these Shepparton locals they were going to open a second KFC Where is that Russian guy who invented Tetris when you need him? Oh and... Today's garden party launch at Government House. Such a tough life
  16. See you all there on Friday evening. I'll be in a flashy German Lada
  17. Who is that sexy gorilla!
  18. Hahaha - the breathalyzer one is ace!
  19. Hehe - sorry Adz, too good to ignore
  20. I'm sure I have liver damage.
  21. For $50k - Evo VII and a monster truck Lada
  22. Ah Ash - true to form - not reading the previous posts. What part of "you get a complimentary lunch" was unclear - hmm?
  23. Weak Dave. Weak. You KNOW you want to be trying to ride the fibreglass cows next to the lake as much as the rest of us
  24. Happy birthda KaZ
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