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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Yes - everyone keep eating. It's what Jeebus would have wanted. Stay out of mischief and have a great New Years. More fun and games and Lada rebuilds (x2) to come in 2006. Yay!
  2. What lap time are you running around Eastern Creek and on what rubber??? (This is Roy, co9uldnt be bothered logging out and in ) I did notice at Eastern with the TD06 i did struggle on Turn 7
  3. He had trouble blowing out the candles this morning - that crazy old man... Happy Birthday Bris!
  4. Just so you know - teh Lada can out-range all your weaksauce handhelds. I win.
  5. AWARDS RESULTS Congratulations to all our winners! Thanks to everyone who nominated and voted 1. Thread of the year James Ward: Jamezilla - the eBay Lada thread http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=77036 2. Most useful contributor Geoff Williams: GTR Geoff 3. She'll buff right out award Gareth Evans: Rowdy R32 - Maroon R32 GT-R at Sandown 4. Social event junkie Bec Pretty: Bec 5. Media representation Joel Strickland: Joel Strick - Speed Magazine GOR article 6. Most improved car Jack Blanas: JagR33 - Silver R33 GT-R 7. It's not a Skyline but we still love you award Scott Bailey: Chrisman - Red Telstar TX5 8. Photo of the year Andrew Richmond: Snowman - Leewah exhaust flame on the dyno 9. President's award Alan King: Saff Cossie 10. Club member of the year Troy Brisby: Roy Congratulations again! James
  6. Chris is the Tool master
  7. Well - can I just say it's been an absolute pleasure working/playing with all of you this year. We really enjoy being able to put together events and activities to encourage everyone to participate and have fun. 2006 already promises to lift the bar - I can't wait. Now I just need a car... James
  8. Ok - so I've been a bit off the pace these last few weeks. Busy at work, no end of internet connectivity dramas and that whole 'moving house' thing has slowed me down a bit. You see - Brisby and I moved into the Playboy Mansion the week before DECA... And there was the required 'entertaining' and meeting the neighbours... But I finally managed to get my DECA photos up: http://www.jamezilla.com/sau/deca2/index.html And, with natural shots like this - who needs to photoshop stuff But know this - as of now, I am back. And trouble's coming with me! J
  9. Haha - uh oh, I forgot about you
  10. However, I probably will. Will get on it soon enough - just need to figure out how to WEP my wireless and finish my drink and get to work by 7.30 to do a presentation to management...
  11. LAST CHANCE TO SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATIONS Thanks to all who have voted so far - but to those who haven't, please send them in!!
  12. Well. Well. Well. Seems the Playboy Mansion now has teh internets. Once I finish my drink, all you mutherf*ckers are going to pay. Bris bought some growth hormones off eBay that came from Estonia - or somewhere in Eastern Europe, that he says will help my photoshop skills f*ck you all up. Plus give me a top set of cans. PS: I photoshop nbetter sober, so you'll all have to wait until I get my Motley Crue makeup off and have a nap. But it's on. Oh... it's on alright...
  13. Just remember - my aerial is longer than everyone elses, thus I can talk more.
  14. Haha Teh Johnny Knoxville country town tour continues! Top work Budgie! I have yet to upload mine - sorry. Been a week devoid of internets Will try over the next day or so - wont be long until the Playboy Mansion is wired for hi-band so the Bris and I can keep in touch more regularly.
  15. You think they'll be able to get the 'pimp my ride' paint off the Lada... No, seriously. Do you?
  16. Good to see. All they need now are more venues and cheaper entry price.
  17. Thanks guys Yeah - he was a good pal these last few years. Loads of fun. New owner is a great guy - so he has gone to a good home. As for what next... well, right now I'm looking at something bigger and slower, perhaps with a picket fence. As far as transport goes, I've got my brother's WRX to keep me out of trouble over summer, so will wait until the new year before I think too hard about it. Shall keep you posted
  18. Hi guys Just a quick note to say I sold my GT-R last week to a nice guy from SA If you see it round the traps (still has Vic plates until he goes through Regency Park) - please say hi and make him feel welcome. Nice purple 33 Vspec with bronze Work Emotion CR Kais. James SAU Vic
  19. Looks like someone scraped the gutter with the front one
  20. Redback: Pretty sure he's from Adelaide. I met him at the airport this morning - did the ol money/keys transfer... and passed on the proud legacy that is Golgo. Really nice guy - very happy the car has gone to a good home He's driving it back today, still with GOLGO plates until he gets it SA-registered. If you see the big purple guy, say hi
  21. No... but immediate demand for one to pass Regency Park RWC has been sorted. Am meeting buyer tomorrow - will let you know if he wants a permanent replacement.
  22. McMobil:
  23. Thanks Poite. Many thanks to everyone who called and offered to help. Problem has been solved. It really shows what a great community we have here. More than just being pleased you know me, you should all be proud of yourselves You are all ace *wipes tear of pride Thanks James
  24. Just a reminder that officials MUST be there (at DECA) no later than 8.15am on Saturday morning.
  25. Oh geeze - Magnetic Fields? Snowy, you are a buckled unit for bringing that one to the world. And face it - ALL breakfast radio is pathetic. I should do it. I'd at least know to put 98 in my free Monaro. Premium dude, she needs PREMIUM! http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Ta...236/premium.wav
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