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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. HAHA Leewah =
  2. DECA officials - come and see me. I'll be buying dinner for Leewah.
  3. Hughesy =
  4. Aw - thanks guys Amazing to see some shots that I hadn't even seen myself before. Saw a wannabe (purple R, stock rims) motoring down Toorak Rd this morning. I already miss him
  5. Thanks for reminding me... At the moment there are no plans for a replacement. I'll probably get something much bigger and slower first. Ideally with a back yard. That said... a man cannot live by bread alone, and I'm sure having the choice of a crappy Lada or a crappier Lada will wear thin soon enough. I will certainly keep you all informed
  6. Well. It had to happen eventually. Golgo has been sold He will be moving to South Australia with a nice new owner late next week. *sniff Feeling a bit bummed by it all - so help cheer me up by posting your favourite memory, recolection - or even picture of the mighty purple assassin. This one sums it up for me: James
  7. Now that we have clothing discussions out of the way... Thanks to those who are keen to help I will amend the first post. Anyone else - please voice your interest here. It will be a great day.
  8. Ladies and gentlemen. I am building a fighting force of extraordinary magnitude. On Saturday November 19th - we will be running our second competition motorkhana event at DECA in Shepparton... and we need your help. As your Chief Event Steward, I need a total of about 20 officials for various tasks throughout the day. Car marshals, time keepers, starters, recorders, media (video and still photos) etc You will need to be in Shepparton at 8.30am on Saturday morning (a convoy will be leaving Melbourne at 6.00am - feel free to head up on Friday though) to report for an officials breifing. This is a key responsibility for the event, as without your help - there is no motorkhana. As officials you will be treated with extreme reverence and respect. What you say - goes. Please note the accomodation thread if you wish to stay over for Saturday night: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=91915 Please register your interest here. You have our gratitude James
  9. Jamezilla

    It's Alive!

    An I for one welcome our new STI beating overlord.
  10. She is very cute - might need to question you involvement in the whole thing there Snowpants...
  11. Nice work guys! What did the Gem get?
  12. Best. News. Ever. Now Budge can be beaten by another girl! -James
  13. The awards are still on These will be presented at our December club meeting by our special guest. Entries close 30th November 2005. Please vote for whomever you feel is worthy of each of the categories. You can even vote for yourself!
  14. Great news Ni Congratulations!
  15. Yeah - cool. Will check it out. I'll even keep my pants on.
  16. Witches in Britches - are you kidding?? Geeze - there's one quick way to loose your friends
  17. Yeah - the Murray kicks ass. 3hrs - warm weather - sandy beaches - no-one around. I remember going up there with the girlie a few years ago. We were there for 5-days and didn't see another soul, nor wear a stitch of clothing all week
  18. I love the idea of a Le Mans start! I think run - chug a beer - jump into car - RACE! Would be a perfect tone to set for the kiddies
  19. Geeze Budge. I thought you would have learned by now you don't come here and start a pie-fight without first making sure you aren't going to be allergic or something to the pies that get thrown back! You've got to do your preparation. However - I thank you for making it more than just a 'Is my R33 GTSt legal on P's' kind of day Besides - Blaise's has got that IKEA bookshelf rear wang which looks foolish enough to actually help him. That and we all know he is a better steerer than Snowy anyway At least he wasn't beaten by a girl.
  20. Cobrawonga State Forest on the Murray is a personal favourite. Longer drive up to Mallacoota Inlet is worth the effort too.
  21. Well... this isn't quite what I had in mind. I think Budge is right - I shouldn't be working all day, I should be here making your lives better. If you all chip in and each sponsor me $1,000 a year, we can work something out. BTW: Ash and ET hehehe
  22. OK - some of us out here in busy professional land don't get to view thew forums on an hourly, even daily basis. Imagine my dismay at coming here after a few days and seeing nothing more exciting than my own last post. Why are you all so goddamn boring? Do I have to buy another Lada to keep things moving along? (nothing good on eBay, I checked) Isn't anyone doing anything fun or compelling enough to warrant a new thread? Is everyone simply too busy at work - or study - or doing whatever it is you all do? Hasn't anyone's cousin imported an automatic V8 R34 GT-R for $2000 lately? Where are the naive promo girls courting their wares? Are all the bus-stops still standing, devoid of bent sliver GT-Rs driven by 18 year olds who are actually their 14 year old brother? I don't want a soap opera, all I ask for is something interesting to keep my old, easily amused mind active and interested in this place. Do it.
  23. I wish I had taken the Lada to work today so I could have sat on the Pool Pony
  24. I can't feel my ass. No - tell a lie... I can feel discomfort where my ass used to be.
  25. Also - there will be a run down on the Sydney Motor Show, with a look at what's new and hot in the motoring world, a review of the Show 'n Shine, a few photos from the Team Wang Round the Bay Cycle Squad, a look at our coming events - including DECA... and the usual Gold Logie winning shenanagins that you all know and love.
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