Ladies and gentlemen.
I am building a fighting force of extraordinary magnitude.
On Saturday November 19th - we will be running our second competition motorkhana event at DECA in Shepparton... and we need your help.
As your Chief Event Steward, I need a total of about 20 officials for various tasks throughout the day. Car marshals, time keepers, starters, recorders, media (video and still photos) etc
You will need to be in Shepparton at 8.30am on Saturday morning (a convoy will be leaving Melbourne at 6.00am - feel free to head up on Friday though) to report for an officials breifing. This is a key responsibility for the event, as without your help - there is no motorkhana.
As officials you will be treated with extreme reverence and respect.
What you say - goes.
Please note the accomodation thread if you wish to stay over for Saturday night:
Please register your interest here.
You have our gratitude