Since this whole malformed idea was mine - I'm hearing the words of a great scholar of our time ringing in my ears:
"Son, your ego's writing cheques your body can't cash"
Team A (Saff and I) just cashed in almost 200km of those cheques by riding to Philip Island yesterday, and returning today. Hard work. I need a new ass.
Team B (Bris and Chris) transported their bikes and a large photocopier to PI and punched out a big cycle circuit from Woolami to Cowes and back. Not quite as hardcore, but they are less fluro than Team A, and Bris had a flat.
Our backup coach sat on the couch watching footy and barking orders all day
With 3-weeks to go until D-Day - my current assessment is that we're f*cked. 210km in about 11hrs is a loooong, hard road to glory. But - there have been great strides in modern medicine in the last few years, so perhaps I can get a J-Lo style ass-transplant in time.
I'll post some photos - but they're all business, and nowhere near as exciting as last week. There were more hills too.
On the up side - I saw a Lancia Montecarlo and a Rarri 575 rag on the way home. Sweet.