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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. That's cheap! The R33 GT-R series 3 lip is $1500 alone!
  2. Check those ads for workshops in HPI - many of them have spares and such. There was a thread earlier in the week about a wrecker in Melb that had many bits too. Alternatively - let your fingers do the walking - is still the easiest way.
  3. Or - even more hairdresser than the MG, but still a ragtop: http://www.thrifty.com.au/Specials?state=VIC&page=27 On special too. Can you spell 'scuttle-shake'?
  4. Thrifty have Daihatsu Copens - Do it! http://www.thrifty.com.au/Vehicles?type=SPORTS
  5. Europcar have Audi rags in Sth Melb. Then - you could always go with the SAU preferred competition car... X-Trail! *cool photo huh! I love Google images
  6. Sweet - thanks Chris. Will SMS if running late. Otherwise - see you at teh Shell. Bris - I'll call you when leaving mine - perhaps meet at Eastern Fwy?
  7. Heartbrkr: Serious? Have you ever tried kicking a tram? They don't have much give. The 200 might as well have been made of playdoh. Important traffic rule #1 ---------------------------- Anything in collision with a tram will come off second best. This includes buildings and people.
  8. MX-5 hey Bris? Cool! Scotland: Hard Corey IS Benalia
  9. Cool. Shall we say Sat 17th - 8.30am at Catani Gardens in St Kilda? We can come down Beach Rd and meet you at your place Saff - and head to Portsea for lunch. We'll need 2x cars for support crew - who can be convinced?
  10. Booked for Team Wang at 7.00pm - 20 people. Told her to stock up on Wangbuster ingredients Also - told her to tell the bar staff to get Hard Corey to come along.
  11. Good work Daz - looks like a fun day. Peninsula drives are always nice - hope the weather holds up. Let us know how you go. Oh... and one of these: Is spelt pier
  12. * packs his shenanagins hat. We should call the North Eastern and book for dinner. Tell our barmaid friend (nope, can't remember her name) to get Hard Corey to come along. She used to be his housemate. Hell - if someone can get me a number... I'll call them
  13. 200SX was U-turn in front of a tram. Never a smart move. Trams always win. No-one seriously hurt - driver was trapped for a while, but got out OK. Have seen the car around previously - check on NS.com if you want more info, they sure to know.
  14. You try using InDesign on a 400mHz G4...
  15. Hehe - Hon, nice And yeah - Portsea run sounds good. Can put the bike carriers on any R33 coupe - for 2 bikes - and the rack on the Niva can carry 3, and be fitted to any car with a towbar. Geoff - you can put the racks on yours, or take Golgo down and meet us for lunch? Perhaps Saturday week? One other car with a towbar can bring the other bikes back.
  16. Geoff - thanks mate. Major Briz - hahah. Nice Only 6-weeks to go. We'd better get some training locked in. This weekend is out due to Winton... but for each weekend leading up, we need to do a decent ride to get some seat time in. Shall we diarise rides now? Plus - I have the half-mara the week before, so need to get some running in too. So stupid. Geoff: What can you recomend for during the week as basic stuff - then on the weekends?
  17. You don't need to fax Saff - I just need to fill in the team form once Chris and Bris have done their online entries.
  18. PS: the reg form allows you to choose more than just Mr, Mrs etc... I'm Sgt James Ward. Hehe
  19. Yep - sorry Alan. Each of you can enter online - just note that you are a member of Team Wang and put my name and number in the Team Organiser box: James Ward 0417 037 520 You can pay online for your individual entry. Once we all done, I'll fax them the Team Entry Form which has all our names listed on it. Make sure you chose the Melb/Sorrento/Ferry/Queenscliff/Melbourne one for $109. Online entry form here: https://secure.bv.com.au/LoadOnlineReg.cfm?EventId=ATB05 Let me know when done and I'll fax the stuff to BV. Geoff: Do you want to be our emergency contact? On the subject of shirts... we all get a BV jersey as part of the entry - but having a Team Wang one would be sweet. Printing costs will be prohibitive for a 4-shirt run, but if we use the standard TW logo, we can offset the cost by using it for other merchandise. Will get approx costs on blank jerseys anyway.
  20. Ooosh: Was built in Illustrator on an old G4 tower... so the spell checker was both crap and slow. Plus - being always a 'last minute' thing, the 'ol editorial step usually gets left out. However, I've just upgraded to a new Powerbook and am in the process of converting the newsletter template to InDesign - which should make things a bit easier to check/edit.
  21. Stonnington (Prahran) TMU use an '04 XT - silver and green ones. They have a black Magna too. Saw a speed camera on the way to work today - was Commode wagon with the camera equipment in a custom cut-out hole in the bumper. No more sticking the box on the naturestrip it seems...
  22. As opposed to light black huh... * sorry - can't resist being a smartass The '05 GTs look pretty good on paper. More oomph than a standard WRX. My P's just got an '04 with a sunroof the size of a squash court. Very nice - albeit buffety.
  23. Are you coming Bris? Want lift? Can pick you up at 12.00 from yours - and meet up with the rest of Burger Team on the way.
  24. Jamezilla


    Ah, yeah... sorry about that. I can write you a note to stipulate that it was the previous hack owner and a swift, illegal park outside a fish and chip shop that was at fault Can't wait to see yours with the TEs though - hotness.
  25. Jamezilla


    Geoff - if you get it to me, I'll do it. How's Sunday morning - need to clean Golgo too. Gotta keep Team Purple looking good
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