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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Jamezilla


    They only wash off if you don't take care of them - tipping cheater Seriously: Not sure where to get OEM Volk decals - but I have all the artwork required to make new ones. The anodised valve caps - somone took 1 of mine. C*nt. The crappy ones from Autobarn are similar though. I'd figure OEM might have to be a 'please pick up when next in Japan' type thing. Group buy!
  2. Jamezilla


    Hey - I couldn't have all these wannabes stealing my limelight. There can be only one Golgo. Anyway - the photos don't do them justice - they look really good on the car. So ner.
  3. I can't tomorrow morning. Perhaps we should lock in some dates for the coming weeks - these events have a habit of sneaking up (1/2 marathon in 4-weeks - ARGH!) Chris - I'll be on a MTB, but fit some cheater tyres. And yes - we all ride the 210km. Ash has been notified of the event and will organise a cheer squad cruise to meet us somewhere.
  4. Keep yer pants on. I'm updating it on the weekend. Will add a list of current sponsors/supporters too.
  5. Jamezilla


    No problem with being bored - but am at work, which negates all Photoshop based shenanagins. And Poite, it sucks to be you Just remember if the banchongs have stubble - step away.
  6. Jamezilla


    Just worth pointing out... who do you think made that weaksauce pic hmmmm? Poite: DECA 2 - you can take him for a spin (literally)
  7. Jamezilla


    re: Weaksauce HAHAHA - I can't even think of a witty retort since I'm laughing so much. Bastard. And yes - the TE's will see more action in their new guise.
  8. Jamezilla


    Saff: You just passed 'pillars' 101! The more a car has, the further you go in the alphamabet. And I'm not spending money on the car (actually, tell a lie - I had to get a new battery the other day as he wouldn't start...) The Volks were swapped for the Works in a mutually agreeable arrangement. Golgo is still for sale. Even the internet says so: http://www.jamezilla.com
  9. Jamezilla


    They less expensive than the Volks. They heavier than the Volks. That said - they still aren't as heavy as the steel BWAs on the Lada
  10. Jamezilla


    Yeah - I know the front would look better if it were less 'speedboat' - but i'm on my 3rd lower lip as it is Sacrificing some aesthetic for practicality I'm afraid.
  11. Jamezilla


    And ah.. nice try Shan. Here - you made need this:
  12. Jamezilla


    Sorry Ronin - the Volks already have a new home to go to. A happy home.
  13. Jamezilla


    Ah Shan, that's the door. The a-pillar is the bit the windscreen is attached to But yes... the stickers are my next project. Time they came off I'm afraid BTW: Technically, since I still have the Rays wheel nuts - it's OK to leave them though
  14. Jamezilla


    A handy arrangement last week has led to Golgo sporting some new footwear. Replacing the stalwart TE37s are a set of Work Emotion CR Kai rims - in bronze, of course. I think they look great! Is a slightly darker bronze than the Volks - but it suits the purple perfectly. Still 18x9.5" - the offset is slightly different, so they don't sit out quite as wide as the TEs did... but the difference is negligable. They have stickers which will be applied in due course - as we all know how much I like stickers Details here: http://www.work-wheels.co.jp/wheels/index/.../emt-k1p-2.html The Volks have gone to a very deserving home - so stay tuned to see them on their new owner in the coming weeks. Will look hot James
  15. 37! * cough - Clerks - cough Anyhoo - Happy Birthday Adz! You're half-way to 50!
  16. Should crack some good times with that block
  17. Am planning on doing the hard-top Lada in matte black (note the 'e' on the end there folks). Am told the more realistic option is a flat satin finish - as matte (there's that 'e' again) marks very easily. Will detail the paint options, prep and finish for you. Mind you - I AM going for a 'cheap and nasty' approach for a cheap and nasty car. I think on the R34 it will look tough... but only if done perfectly. And it goes without saying for a car like yours we're talking flat satin, rather than matte primer. Either way - Black Russian details to come soon.
  18. Top plan It finishes in Docklands - so I suggest anyone meeting us at the 'cheer point' come and have an ale afterwards too. Mind you, I think the only thing I'll be downing after this will be painkillers. Considering I have the Marathon 2-weeks prior... argh
  19. Ah... try adding a '0' to your Lamborghini hire cost, and I didn't think there was a Hummer Limo in Melb?? Anyway - this is a school formal, not the Oscars. Every year some kid claims to be arriving in a Countach or a helicopter or a horse or riding Falco the stupid luck-dragon from Neverending Story... and every year that same kid ends up spewing in some stranger's yard after drinking wipeout and coke and getting slapped for trying to feel-up his date. Having a fleet of Slylines trumps any lies from your buddies. Let's just keep it at that. And 7pm is past Snowy's bed-time, so don't get your hopes up. BTW: Having a turd of a day so a bit grumpy. And for the record, my mum dropped me and 'date' off at my formal in the red Peugeot station wagon. Class all the way baby.
  20. Just a quick request - anyone who has bought/is buying a copy of Unique Cars over the next few months, and doesn't want to enter the comp to win the '65 Shelby 350GT replica - can I have your entry forms? Just bring them to the club meeting or something. Many thanks PS: If I win, you can all have a go.
  21. Yep - I'll go through the BV booklet at home and check it all good. Will find out what best way to do payments. The officia Team Wang Cycle team is: Saff Bris Scotland Golgo Coach is The six-million dollar Geoff We expect cheering from the rest of you at some vantage point along the way. Otherwise, I'll summon just enough energy after the ride to kick each and everyone of you in the balls. Will get Ash to arrange a cruise to co-incide
  22. I'm still keen for team. Bris and Chris - if you in, let us know this week and we can sort out entry details.
  23. Ah - you're working with Gary (Impul) yeah? Is OK Ash. Akumi: Can you offer a discount to SAU members (10% off etc)? Also - will email the club sponsorship form to you.
  24. * Gets Christmas card list - crosses off Bec
  25. Denham: Yeah - it's a later version of that (shown is an 80s era one). Was sold in the UK as the Riva until about 1995 when it no-longer met emission standards. I belive they have re-tooled using VAG parts (aka Seat/Skoda etc) and are now making them available again. Whatever the case - you're better off buying a 10-year-old Golf. Bec: The TX5 was lightweight compared to the trailer. The other Lada towed a tandem trailer with Endless on it most of the way to Heathcote - until Benny went too fast and nearly destroyed them both... but that's another story
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