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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. 75mins - wooh! Thanks for the lovely weather Kel - I really appreciate it Was good fun - that hill is a killer... but I think the worst bit is the little rise as you pass the end of the beach in Bondi. Shall do it again next year - and try to bust 70mins. Bris: About to head to the airport now Is a superb day here - wish I could stay. How long you up for? Must be in Melb on the 27th
  2. 75mins - wooh! Thanks for the lovely weather Kel - I really appreciate it Was good fun - that hill is a killer... but I think the worst bit is the little rise as you pass the end of the beach in Bondi. Shall do it again next year - and try to bust 70mins. Bris: About to head to the airport now Is a superb day here - wish I could stay. How long you up for? Must be in Melb on the 27th
  3. 75mins - very happy with that. I feel as old as Clarkey and think I need a hip replacement. Was good though - spectacular day here.
  4. Hehe - nice Ash. Nice
  5. Hehe - Thanks guys Drove the course yesterday... that hill looks nasty. No wonder its called the heartbreaker. Just loading some beats onto the iShuffle - and will head in. Fire up!
  6. Poite - you know I would if I could... but I have another party on that night Is a Rock'n'Roll fancy dress - and i'm helpless against the power of the leather pants. Drink irresponsibly and be hilarious for me - I have faith in you
  7. Thanks Dark The rest of you can all go to hell! Am sitting in the gate-lounge waiting for flight now. Went for 5km jog this morning - so feeling good. Once in Sydney - shall do some power-eating (beer has carbs too ) and get ready for the morrow. Should be fun - will be wearing my SAU Autosalon t-shirt for some represent! Flight boarding now - see ya!
  8. Is anyone else here doing the City-to-Surf in Sydney on the weekend? A few of the NSW guys are. Basically - just want to say good luck, and I'll see you at the finish! I'm in the HSBC start group (blue) and will wear an SAU shirt of some description - so if you see me in among the 75,000 other people - say hi It's on Ch 10 live from 9.00am to 10.30... but that's probably only in Sydney.
  9. Thanks all for the tips Kel: Another friend will be in the Prudential corp area, so I'll head that way when I finish. Send me an SMS and I'll join you for a celebratory drink! 0417 037 520 Good luck to you guys running
  10. OK - I'm up in Sydney for the City-to-Surf this weekend... but who's up for a training ride next weekend? Sat morning again?
  11. Find Mines_Datsun - he wrecks Skylines. haw haw haw...
  12. Thanks to everyone who has submitted nominations so far As for the rest of you - you have about 1-month left. Chop chop.
  13. Did they fit your adamantium claws yet? Schnicky. Below is a likeness of new Geoffverine:
  14. Just had word that Geoff has been released from Hospital and will be recovering at home for the next 3-weeks Stay tuned for his special presentation night where we say goodbye to Geoff... and welcome Gwen! You go girl!
  15. Hehe - cool. I'll try and wear some form of SAU or Team Wang identifying clothing. Should be easy to spot in the 65,000 other people How bad is the hill? Steep, or just long?
  16. Tracid: The committee will tally the nominees and make the final vote - it's up to you all as members to nominate people though. If you're not sure of the person's name - you can use cars, forum names, vague descriptions - it's OK, we'll figure out who you mean
  17. I can't see it either - thus there are no recent posts by me in there... Therefore - there's nothing worth reading anyway So... wait patiently until these things are sorted, and just clutter the public section with questions about whether some guy's uncle's cousin's car is legal for P's.
  18. Howdy I'm making a foolish trip up from Melbourne to do the City-to-Surf. Any of you guys running? Anyone done it before care to pass on some tips? Anyone care to have a beer afterwards? James (Golgo)
  19. Yeah - Sat am still good for me. Can't do the arvo, nor Sunday morning Perhaps Alan and I can do a quick one - then look at organising more 'real' training with some tips from Geoff? I still have knobbies on the bike too - but happy to use it. Still need one more sucker... I mean 'hero' to join up though
  20. Fancy aren't they! If you have any problems or queries about the forum upgrade - please post them here so we can forward to the administrators to address. Mods - please check that you still have the rights you are entitled to. James
  21. No - I haven't entered yet. Thought I'd wait to see the interest We need one more hero to become an official team though. Who has the cahones to step up?
  22. Hehe - I love your honesty Clarkey Reading Geoff and Alans posts have moved me into the 'know nothing hack' category of cyclist. I can't remember the last time I rode a non-mountain bike... you guys are going to blitz me :
  23. Thanks Geoff that would be great! I think the sight of the Golgo twins flanking some bikes - with you barking orders through a megaphone would be perfect
  24. How about an easy one next weekend? Frankston return - I can come past yours and we go from there? Say Sat morning?
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