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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Yeah - but was the pilot... sorry, naval aviator - doing a 4G negative pushover while inverted at the rage of about 2m? If not - well, I'm just not impressed.
  2. Sorry - just read first page. Put me down for both nights please Bec I'll bring the RF conversion plug to make the DVD player work in the antique TV. I can see us all riding a highway to the danger zone come Friday evening
  3. Lite Beers are for deluded, subservient men who can't get an erection. Don't be that guy. You can be my wingman Bris - I'll keep an eye on you A visit to Benalia wouldn't be the same without illegal spear tackles and the revered cry of 'SARK PISS!'. You can hitch a ride up with me in the team Lada if you like?
  4. Bummer Ant You can rest easy knowing that even without your good self - we'll still find a way to invoke questionable looks from the locals. Hehe - I remember that. At least this time we'll be able to counter with the Nismo Niva!
  5. I have some of it in the carpark too. Will send when I'm next at the studio.
  6. Bah - semantics But as a point, as stated either way - I'm a fool. That makes it OK to slightly misrepresent quotes by that 'Anon' guy
  7. "A fool and his money are easily parted" - Anon So... ah, count me in for 1x fool You'll have to teach me the rules first though. Two of a kind and I yell 'SNAP' right? Of course - we won't be playing with money, for that would be naughty. It will be some token, worthless item... like match sticks, or ex-girlfriends
  8. Mine's red. It means I drink faster. But the one with boobs on it beats you all anyway
  9. Joel Snowy is away on a beach somewhere. We all hate him. If you could bring some stuff to show on a slideshow to the next meeting that would be great. Chris is collating all the video from DECA - so it would be great to show the photos as well PS: Golgo nice and prime on pg 16 too!
  10. Hehe - from that pic, Snowy looks like Chopper Read
  11. Haha - sweet! Can someone scan it in?
  12. Oh cool - OK Go team! And forum markup uses square brackets not pointy ones like HTML.
  13. Saff: What's a hacker? Aside from Johnny Lee Miller and Angelina Jolie in a terrible film that is. And I am teh suck at cricket. Can't even send lewd text messages properly
  14. I know lots of designers if you just need pretty pictures, but for the whole shebang: RareMedia ------------- contact : Andrew Davidson (director) phone : 9646 2544 email : [email protected] web : http://www.rare.com.au
  15. Mine (RSM & AVCR) are on the Apex'i stands on the dash. Look sweet - but tend to attract attention like Paris Hilton to a party. Law has had no trouble with placement - just the fact that one is an EBC... and they're naughty.
  16. Tsk tsk Budge. Resorting to purile toilet humor and poor, unoriginal Photoshops will not save your ass. Plus the Motorkhana was sooo last week. Yes, Blaise did kick ass - but as an official member of Team Wang, he can't really be used as the WRX saviour. Just like the US needs lo learn, you can't keep using past events to claim victory over the present. You are playing like Queensland in last night's State of Origin - all bravado from the crowd, but too little too late. Leaving you well and truly beaten by a better opponent. It's time to deal with it. Not usually one to succumb to using generic pics in my posts... I find in this case, this one is particularly apt: Better luck next battle
  17. What the hell do they teach in school these days?! What he meant to say was: So - the topic is resale values for R34 GT - GTTs. Is an always active area - so thoughts from all are welcome. No need to keep it related to this particular car, general resales are fine. Addicted: I'd recommend putting an ad in the for sale section of these forums. That may be a better place to work out what people are prepared to pay for your car. And so help me if ANYONE posts such a poorly written thread again... You're not writing King Lear here - it's just basic punctuation and grammar that we all learn in primary school. If you don't like it, and prefer to treat all conversations - written or otherwise - like some 1337 SMS, then go (and stay) here: http://www.boostcruising.com/ James
  18. Most eye burniating red text on blue background ever!
  19. Just to let you know that the guy who does the newsletter has finished it, but is just having trouble exporting it to PDF because his computer is an old pile of crap. Will be up by the end of the week - apologies for the delay.
  20. Damn mercenaries!
  21. There you go! What he said
  22. I'll say. You're getting slaughtered over there. I'd be re-visiting that Christmas card list if I were you.
  23. I heard Joel's mum wouldn't let him go because he hadn't finished the DECA photos. Uh huh. That's what I heard. Just saying is all
  24. BTW: What service do you provide? Would you be interested in sponsoring the Victorian club? Drop me a line: [email protected] - and I'll send you our sponsorship proposal.
  25. Hehe - and I think Optimus Brisby's right. He copped it worse Was always happy with your Benalia 'Fight Night' commemoration poster. Ah, memories...
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