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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. The XTrail can nevar loose! And despite the waitress thinking otherwise - Snowy and I are the funniest people ever. Anyhoo... Great day all - will try to get photos up in the next day or so. Thanks to everyone who came to play and help - the event could not have gone ahead without you. I feel crap - going home to sleep now. PS: Cleaned off all the footprints on the car, hope they don't notice the dents...
  2. Just to confirm I'll be at McMobil - ideally leaving no later than 6.15am Bring CBs if you have them - we'll be on CH 15 if you are running late. My mob: 0417 037 520 Will update what sort of car I'll be in a bit later on (unknown at this stage - but not Golgo or Lada 1 or 2). I can guarantee it wont be exciting
  3. McMobil is a Mobil service station with a McDonalds attached. Is on the Hume Hwy about 2km North of WRR intersection - on the outbound (western) side of the road.
  4. Westgate Shell is not a great spot - kinda heading the wrong way Most direct route is Hume to Seymour then Goulburn Valley HWY to Shepparton. Usual northern point of McMobil on the Hume, just North of the WRR exit might be better? Say @ 6.00am Is an easy meet point for North, West and East (WRR from Greensborough). Central and South East - go Monash, through tunnel, over Bolte, onto Tulla, onto WRR to Hume. Needs eTag, but by golly you should all have one by now - or get a daypass. Megamart is a good meet point - @ 5.30am West: I'll meet you (and convoy) at McMobil at 6.00am Greg: SMS me your address (0417 037 520) and I'll pick you up at 5.30am. You can sleep in the car
  5. The Lada was imported... But no, not just yet. Just re-arranging the life a bit. Once I'm sorted... expect Golgo to rise again, badder and better. For the time being - it's 'Pimp my Collective Owned State Transport to the Glory of the Politburo' as I work on the 'Black Russian' and the super Lada. More exciting threads to come
  6. If you can get past the above ramblings... welcome to Vic Are you still running NSW plates? That should make you easier to spot. Come along to the July club meeting - Tues the 19th at Bells Hotel in Sth Melb.
  7. Golgo is at ICE, and by Saturday, may no-longer be mine... Plus, the Lada might roll - which adds a different kind of fun
  8. Hahaha That is perhaps the most apt quote ever
  9. PS: I dare anyone to come up with a more exciting thread than this Tradgedy overcome by chance... Tough descisions... Nail-biting suspense... Down to the minute bid-snipes... ANOTHER convertible Niva showing up at the last minute! Man - you can't make this shit up!! I'm sending my resume to Neighbours...
  10. Hehe. I wonder if it will pass scruitineering for DECA?
  11. YAY! Hmmm - is buyers remorse supposed to kick in this quickly? Crap. Where am I going to put it?
  12. Dear god. What have I done.
  13. High bidder at 28-secs to go....
  14. Son of a... Who would have ever thought that in 2005 there would be a bidding war for a 15-yo Lada? I mean - surely you can buy a Daewoo for $400, brand new yeah? Will sit and wait for the snipe at 5.02pm Nobody f*cks with teh Golgo...
  15. Update UPDATE: No. F*cking. Way. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...ssPageName=WDVW It looks worse than mine, but those 2 magical words 'reconditioned motor' seem to sing out like a siren guiding me to the jagged rocks of doom...
  16. Update: 30-mins to go. I'm the high bidder @$770 I'm begining to feel there is truth to the phrase 'some people never learn'.
  17. Dang! Outbid Should I snipe? I have about 7-hrs left... is it worth $800? If so... guess who's coming to Deca
  18. The guy over the road from me had a blue one - he just traded it for an A4 Quattro. He loved it - the 2-door wasn't practical for him though. Sounded great, and from all accounts drove very well. Check VW forums for owner/driver reviews: http://www.vwvortex.com Remember though - is based on gen-4 Golf which came out in 1997. You were 8. Back then Sean Coombes was still called Puff Daddy, and Hanson all looked like girls. Just saying is all...
  19. Frickin' sweet! Sorry - you can get back on topic now...
  20. Let's just say I've a good relationship with a search engine: :uh-huh:
  21. Hehe. Oh yes - that's my beast alright. Sure does. I regularly need one of these:
  22. PS: This goes for you too Snowy
  23. It's your hobby. Keep doing it. Plus you're pretty good at it! Don't see it as ignoring her wishes though. The request is one of concern for you, which is not a bad thing. And afterall, Sunday illustrated pretty clearly that things can go wrong at the racetrack... but like you noted, as an Aussie male aged under 40, statistically you are more likely to die of cancer of heart disease than in a motorsport related incident. My thoughts - fit a cage to the car. Sure, it won't improve your times or make you magically impervious to 'when things go wrong' - but if you are to look at likely scenarios of a very bad day at the track, sliding sideways into kitty-litter and rolling would come up pretty high on the list. A cage could prove very helpful in such a circumstance. Everything we do in life has an element of risk. That's what makes life exciting. Most of the time we don't even think about it - I mean people choke on food, are you going to stop eating too? Bottom line - if you feel unsafe, or that you might be risking too much, then stop. Until that time, take all available precautions - and be a really cool dad that has a racecar!
  24. Bastards Actually Dox - if the coffee table idea looks good, I'll come see you for some glass Since I can't bear to crush the whole car, the busted 1.6L motor could be cool as a table stand... Also - I'm 1-bid away from being outbid for the new Lada I'm keen, but not more than $700 keen.
  25. The voice over quote sums it up nicely.. 'oooohh'
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