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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Update update update: Dear god. What have I done...
  2. Update update: Crap. I bid $600 - and am not the high bidder. How much is it worth?
  3. Update: I'm strongly considering being sneaky re: the eBay Niva... My rego sticker says 'Red 88 Lada S-Wag' - I have 11 months left on rego. I could buy the eBay one for 500 clams - and just put the EXKGB plates on it! Same car. Same colour. Would be just like adding a roof to my Niva! Then I can pull the cabrio to bits and begin 'Project Red Storm' - 2.0L twin-cam with camo paint! It almost sounds too easy...
  4. Hehe - yeah, Crazy Vaclav's Place of Automobiles... Homer: What country was this car from? Crazy Vaclav: It no longer exists. Put it in 'H'! It's funny cause its true. It even has a lever marked 'H'.
  5. Aw man 1-more reason to hate the French...
  6. Grammar fixed Actually the 1.8L & 2.0L Fiat and Lancia motors bold right in! The Lada is about 70% Fiat (motor, gearbox, fittings). The only fabrication is a new sump to fit over the 4WD diffs. Even the 2.0L 16v turbo motor from a Lancia Delta Integrale would fit. Rare. Expensive. But badass!
  7. Greg - Hehe, I went my own Mythbusters style on it. I tested that old wives tale that driving a car around with a blown head gasket is bad. Ah... there may be some element of truth to that one... The eBay Lada is really tempting. Rego is $550 (more than the car ) or whatever - so for under $1k I can have twins! A summer Lada and a winter Lada. Am thinking the plate could be 'CCCP', 'MOSCOW' or even 'THEKGB'... hmmmm Plus, a buyer for Golgo is looking good - he's down at ICE getting an RWC check done. Hmmmm some more...
  8. Oooh... http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...ssPageName=WDVW
  9. Hmmm - a return to form perhaps? The names have been left out of the following story for privacy sake... Went out one night from work and sensibly left Golgo at the office. Drank heroic amounts. Left the drinking place and amazingly ended up at home at about 4.00am (blesss the beer scooter). Realised house keys were in GTR. Felt silly. And drunk. Slept in the Niva (in the driveway) until about 6.00am when body decieded this was foolish. Got cab to office - got keys - cab home. Slept until 8.30 when brother showed up reminding were to help him move house. Massive hangover. Sore neck and body. Joy. Saff: There was a doco about Chernobyl a few years back saying that anything produced in Russia in the effected fallout areas would have a level of radioactivity far above the norm. The Togliatti factory (largest car manufacturing plant in the world) was downwind of the powerplant... Might explain a few things - but I'm sure it rules out export Also rules out being recycled into steel beer cans - so that's a good thing.
  10. It surpassed the Cold War. It surpassed Communnism. It surpassed a red Civic, a white Subaru and nearly a Purple GTR... But yesterday the Lada finally decided it could no longer surpass a blown head gasket, a non-firing cylinder and cracked engine block. At about 2.00pm - on Chapel St - the very dirty Lada Niva GTR Cabrio with a life record of 40 awkw finally seized and died. * Sniff I had to push it home. You know - you never realise how many streets actually go uphill until you try to push a car along them... Anyhoo... what now? Well - one friend suggest I crush it into a cube, place a piece of glass on it and have a swanky (yet very heavy) coffee table. I hate him. Personally - I'm thinking engine swap to 2.0L Fiat twin-cam with twin webbers. There was one converted a while ago to a VG30DE using an R33 sedan auto box. Cool - but probably overkill. What are your thoughts? I'm open to ideas?
  11. Jamezilla

    Sandown !

    Nice pic. How do we keep the keg cool? PS: its handy having friends who research images for a living
  12. Jamezilla

    Sandown !

    Top day as always. Action packed Troy: A fitting pic for you and Snowy?
  13. I bought my car from GTA. Ah, how to say this... they were able to find the exact car I wanted and work out a price that I was happy with... but, ah... come say hi on Sunday
  14. I need a new Mac - but am too old Here's two ideas if anyone wants to milk them... 1. Tram passenger alighting hit by car --------------------------------------------- Scene: 4WD picking kids up from school in inner suburban area eg: Hawthorn. Kids jump in back and are f*cking around (as kids do). Mum looks agitated (as mums do). Scene: More kids (older and in uniform) get on tram and are f*cking around (as kids do). Scene: 4WD seen in traffic on major road - can see tram up ahead. Scene: Kids on tram laughing and joking and generally being little twats (like normal kids). Scene: Kids in car messing around - mum turns to yell occasionally - can tell traffic and kids stressing her. She overtakes another car with gusto (prob driving an X5 - sweet ). Can see she closer to the tram now. Scene: Tram stopping (lights flashing) - show mum yelling at kids again Scene: Inside tram kids saying goodbye to one kid who is getting off. Show kid stepping out door and... WHAM - 4WD hits kid and he's gone. Scene: From behind tram show 4WD slamming on brakes and skidding to stop. Too late... Scene: Emergency services on site. Cops with mum - blanket pulled over kid on stretcher. TAC Logo & something about paying attention in busy traffic. 2. Slogan for drink driving ------------------------------- Good for holiday period messages. Show guy drinking at party with buddies. He seen with beer and also soft drink. Not maxi-smashed, but could go either way. Ballsy voice over guy - "if you are going to drink and drive these holidays..." Cut to dude's face looking up (from stretcher) with blood and hollow, lifeless eyes - car in bg wrapped around pole or bus or something. Medics pull sheet over guy and pick up gurney to put into Ambulance. "... don't get carried away" TAC logo. There you have it. Both billion dollar ideas. Use them and profit! I want props though - make it that the 4WD has Golgo plates
  15. Count me in. I've got wicked flag skills yo.
  16. Oh - and to reply on topic (for a change)... I smell shenanagins with that story. It always happens to a friend of a friend of some guy I know's buddy. That said - if you have a police car flash you to pull over (fake or otherwise), you are well within legal recourse to select a more appropriate place to pull over. This doesn't mean driving halfway across town - but to the next sensible, well lit (if night time) area. Last time I was flashed on the Monash just near Toorak Rd exit - I didn't stop in the emergency lane, but chose to exit the FWY and stop on Auburn Rd. He never even mentioned it. Giving them some kind of 'yes, I see you' guesture probably wouldn't hurt either. No police officer will question your reasons for wanting to stop in a safer place... it is they who have to stand on the outside of the car afterall.
  17. You don't have to steal an unmarked police car to drive one:
  18. Yes - Palmerston parma is top shelf I can't on Friday... but next time i'm in for sure!
  19. Great news Ant Looks like a group-buy on baby seats to suit Skylines could be in order
  20. You know... you 'could' go and earn one of those hats... I'll bring one tomorrow.
  21. That happens to me all the time. Pulled over, basic licence and rego check, they tell me I should attention some things (usually AVCR) - then they let me go. No problem. Again showing being polite and courteous doesn't hurt, and that it's a few overzealous officers that give the Police a bad image. The majority use this positively human trait called 'judgement'. That said - I'm quite pleased not to have driven Golgo to Coles on Saturday night. Being polite doesn't garner much leeway in a blitz.
  22. And of course... Sweet bike. Shocks... Pegs... Lucky!!! Great shots Leewang! Hope you all had a great time
  23. Photos courtesy of Leewah: 5 of 5 The 9-second Echo 4 x 33 = 132! A nice array of noses It's all green-lights and Nissans on the SAU highway... Convoy! A beer if that sign somehow ends up at our next meeting
  24. Photos courtesy of Leewah: 4 of 5 Platinum '34 RB25DET Comfy
  25. Photos courtesy of Leewah: 3 of 5 Jack: the true master of all things bling It's even good looking on the outside! Danger! Danger! Stopping power
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