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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. After the wedding, there was a fancy dress ball - but he couldn't think of what to wear... But finally came up with this lovely number:
  2. Firstly - he had a family wedding... He then caught up with another old friend for a game of leapfrog:
  3. Well well well... It seems SAU's favourite 'lemon catcher' will be heading up north for a while. Whilst there, he's going to catch up with the SAU NSW team, but instead of regaling them about the wonderful fun times and hospitality we've shown him - he lays on the diss: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...571&postcount=8 Tsk tsk. But - that's fine. If you're too good for us Troy - then so be it. You can fly those cargo planes full of rubber dog-sh*t out of Hong Kong all year for all I care. BTW: You may have noticed his absence from MAS this past weekend? Below are some photos showing what he got up to...
  4. OK - some pix done. New thread starting up... Thanks Merl
  5. I wouldn't mind seeing a greater rego fee for larger vehicles - ie a kerb-weight based tax. Would discourage people buying Landcruisers for the sake of it... also a regular licence test/renewal system would be good, perhaps even varying levels of licences - one for city/urban driving, one for country driving, one for freeway driving (or something). Just thoughts... And as Snowy says - it's sad that the Govt disguises revenue raising as 'road safety'. I think some form of justification for camera placement would be good, show that the government is actaully trying to lower the road toll (which they haven't) instead of just wanting to line their pockets. The whole thing needs to be reviewed... Snowy for PM!
  6. Oooh - that Brisby... I feel some Photoshop retribution coming on...
  7. Ah - but here's the thing. The revenue generated from camera and the like doesn't go over-and-above the budget dedicated for roads. ie: Govt says roads get $1b budget - based on taxes and last year's state revenue Then the fines bring in a further $500m - which is additional to budget. The way it stands at the moment - roads still get only $1b - but $500m of that is from the camera fines, the other $500m from budget... which gives the government an additional $500m (what was originally dedicated to roads) to spend on hair wax for Steve Bracks - or whatever they want. Creative aren't they I'd much prefer the roads budget to be a total of $1.5b (in the example above). Fuel excise tax does go to road funding (apparently) as does rego fees... but since the government will always use 'creative' accounting practices - we'll never know if they in fact do.
  8. Jamezilla

    Auto Salon

    Yeah - laugh it up. I've got to be at work at 5.00am tomorrow - with Golgo and my bike in the garage, and the Niva having a busted motor... I'm not overly thrilled. At least he's safe from theft - if I can't get in, no-one can get in Basically the cable connecting the handle to the locking bars on the side has snapped - so the bars are locked in position. F*ck knows how the fixit guy will open it... just so long as he does it soon. Time to move...
  9. Jamezilla

    Chasers Tuning

    Golgo was serviced and tuned by Chasers last time. Was good tune - more/smoother power delivery, but as like others - it knocks a bit when running 1.1bar. Turning the boost down a smidge settles this.
  10. Jamezilla

    Auto Salon

    Haha - It's so sad and unfair, I just can't do it. Nature has been cruel to me. I only want to be like Burt...
  11. Jamezilla

    Auto Salon

    My garage door broke this morning with Golgo trapped inside Hopefully it will be fixed in the next day or so - will look for stuff (batt charger etc) in my car. Hasn't been a good week thus far... Greg: Don't worry - will replace the GT4 disc for you.
  12. Dolphin Integration: It's a tuna company
  13. More event info and pix here: http://www.targa.org.au/Targa_2005/index.php
  14. Also worth noting our very own Jeff & Mrs Beable came 7th outright! Congratulations
  15. You need to update your sig
  16. Jamezilla

    Auto Salon

  17. Jamezilla

    Auto Salon

    Paul: The ones with a '&' in the name don't work for me The inline posts are HUGE too - do you want them resized?
  18. Yep - silver surround = 4-door
  19. Rigga: The puzzle was in last issue (without the answers) heartbrkr: My bad on the final editorial - got a bit pushed for time. And the GT4 promos are called 'filler'. I need more submissions - hint hint
  20. Jamezilla

    Auto Salon

    Hehe - it's OK, the important thing is your hedgehog is better than any of theirs
  21. That sounds about right That would be Scott - aka 'Let Me Drive' Ah, that would be me - sorry about that Send me an email and I'll pass on the PDF form... [email protected] James
  22. Jamezilla

    Auto Salon

    Just a quick note to say - fantastic effort from all involved with the SAU stand at Autosalon! A great effort by everyone to get not only our stand up and running - but also keeping the dyno operations running smoothly all weekend. The cars looked great, the SAU representation was great - so a very positive weekend all round. Bummer about the GT4 disc getting pinched though Too many names to mention everyone - but a big hand to Ash (even if he was wearing a Fangartists shirt all weekend), Chris & Bec for getting all the bits and pieces organised - and to Pete & Adz, the supreme car marshalls And of course... congratulations to Leewah and the Fangartists crew for not only winning a whole bag of trophies, but returning the Autosalon dyno power record of 604 awkw to its rightfull home! Great job all - you can all sleep with the knowledge you made the world a better place James
  23. Has the car been registered before (in Vic)? If so - you just need an RWC and your licence. Don't even need to bring the car!
  24. Mike: Nice car - welcome aboard! Chris: A few of the aftermarket accessory places sell the badges. They are not OEM, but pretty decent copies. The GT-R badge I have on the Niva was $30 as opposed to $90 for a Nissan item. Looks the same as the one on Golgo - and gives me an extra 10kW I can't recall the name of the particular place where I got it - but they'll have a trade stand at MAS. I'll put their details in here. Will talk to them about offering SAU member discounts too
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