Inspired by grog and a conversation I had while watching Mad Max 2 - here is your Photoshop challenge:
When the apocolypse finally comes and society breaks down... what will you drive?
Here are the rules:
* The cities are contaminated, so you'll be living in the wasteland.
* There are still roads - but not always.
* Not everyone is as nice as you - your vehicle must be to fight, and also run at speeds of over 200km/h.
* All new and second-hand car dealers are available for looting.
* Military hardware can be found on wrecked vehicles - but none of these vehicles are sufficiently intact to form a base. Hummers are available commercially though.
* You are pretty handy with a plasma cutter and welder - but standard engineering principles apply (can't fit that M1A1 tank turret to a Prius). Whilst your vehicle doesn't need to conform to ADR, the mods must be inherrently believeable.
* Anything can be converted to a monster truck. Cars can't fly.
* Fuel is scarce - but not unavailable. Your vehicle needs to carry enough to be capable of traveling over 1200km on its supply... so yeah, a 5.0L supercharged V8 with drop-tanks is still OK
I'll let this run for a while - and once we have a few entries, will open up the submissions for voting.
Winner will get all 3x Mad Max DVDs (non original - but with covers).
Sound reasonable?
Let the apocolypse begin!