Note the camera stuck to the side - should make some interesting footage... Snowy caught and passed a TT-Soarer:
Lucky this guy's not driving:
Mustang looked very tough - sounded even better:
Golgo looking 'Bling Bling' at Fed Square:
Gerald is not discouraged by his competition:
Can you believe we fit all this, plus the spare tyre and 4-people in a GTR:
Japan again showing Germany and the USA how to do things properly:
Hey, there's no engine in here!:
Steven 'my dad won Bathurst in a GTR' Richards brought his new toy - 1971 Escort with works 2L Cosworth motor. Not slow:
Evo 3 (1st place) trying to catch Simmo in Evo 8 (3rd place):
Of course it comes like that from the factory officer... He had a bit of trouble with traction:
Gerald planning his corner approach for next year:
Noble - meh... everyone wants to see what's in the back of the 550 Spyder (is a twin-turbo 911 jobbie):
Some heavy competition:
Snowy feeling the hurt of Golgo's supertanker-like fuel economy:
Smart = not smart. Oh - and the guy next to the truck is 2004 Mr Shepparton:
Ni: I took 300 photos... will do some more online later tonight. Thanks again for stickers.
Merli: We all know you want your car to look as cool as Golgo. You = sticker-envy
Brakes in Golgo not as good as brakes in R34 - learning that fact on the job:
A foregone conclusion - 'And how would you like your ass handed to you today sir?':
Taco Bill - official hangover sponsor of car 47: