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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. I think we all know how this is going to end...
  2. ... and not a serious competitor among them
  3. Japan 1 - Germany 0 : 800m drag race down airport runway
  4. Stock Vectra rolled the front-right tyre off the rim and came a cropper into a trafflight box at DECA
  5. DECA back track event
  6. 1st motorkhana event at DECA
  7. Hey - there's no engine in here??
  8. Slightly modified HSV with rather prominent throttle trumpets
  9. The boys being interviewed for Speed Week on SBS
  10. Golgo - started out as a mild-mannered 'GTR Support Vehicle'. Oh how things were to change...
  11. Noble M12 - 3L twin turbo
  12. Would you let this guy drive?
  13. Professional race drivers preparing for the event with 1.4L of margarita
  14. Crazy, drunk, Shepparton locals love the R34
  15. All stickered up and ready to race
  16. R34 GTR outside official hangover sponsor HQ
  17. Happy birthday boyos - will pop down for a drink or 60
  18. Cheers Patchy - welcome aboard
  19. Note the camera stuck to the side - should make some interesting footage... Snowy caught and passed a TT-Soarer: Lucky this guy's not driving: Mustang looked very tough - sounded even better: Golgo looking 'Bling Bling' at Fed Square:
  20. Gerald is not discouraged by his competition: Can you believe we fit all this, plus the spare tyre and 4-people in a GTR: Japan again showing Germany and the USA how to do things properly: Hey, there's no engine in here!:
  21. Steven 'my dad won Bathurst in a GTR' Richards brought his new toy - 1971 Escort with works 2L Cosworth motor. Not slow: Evo 3 (1st place) trying to catch Simmo in Evo 8 (3rd place): Of course it comes like that from the factory officer... He had a bit of trouble with traction: Gerald planning his corner approach for next year:
  22. Noble - meh... everyone wants to see what's in the back of the 550 Spyder (is a twin-turbo 911 jobbie): Some heavy competition: Snowy feeling the hurt of Golgo's supertanker-like fuel economy: Smart = not smart. Oh - and the guy next to the truck is 2004 Mr Shepparton:
  23. Yes - congrats Simmo. Excellent car to watch, especially on the cone courses More photos...
  24. Ni: I took 300 photos... will do some more online later tonight. Thanks again for stickers. Merli: We all know you want your car to look as cool as Golgo. You = sticker-envy
  25. Brakes in Golgo not as good as brakes in R34 - learning that fact on the job: A foregone conclusion - 'And how would you like your ass handed to you today sir?': Taco Bill - official hangover sponsor of car 47:
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