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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. re: heat in 300zx Two words - targa top It's a Japanese Trans-am baby!
  2. For people subscribed to this thread: Event thread is up - http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=41187 Please register your interest so a booking can be made. In Soviet Russia - thread closes you.
  3. Noof: Yep - no sweat Snowy + Adz: Louise is coming - so feel free to bring your lovely lasses. Horus: No - hence the amusment factor * map added, confirmed list updated.
  4. While you taking photos - can you do one of the boot & boot trim? Seems I'm not the only one who wants this
  5. Haha - Mesh you are a bad man
  6. No wuckas. Will do a weekly rotation/booking for y'all
  7. I got R33 GTR roofrack and board holders Any who wishes to can borrow. Will fit GTSt also.
  8. Jamezilla


    Tharaka's sister: Email sent to Dark's Optusnet account.
  9. Jamezilla


    Dark: Best wishes for a very speedy recovery. Hang in there
  10. That Elgrand is kinda cool - in a big-shiny-toaster kind of way. You do have a fun job Were you able to drive the 350?
  11. To also add fuel to the 'supercar' debate - the GTR is a sports car, not a supercar. Sure it's fast and pretty darn swanky - but all GTRs (even the Mines R34) started their lives on a robotics equipped production line in Japan. The same sort of facility that makes Pulsars and Maximas. All Skylines (R's and T's) are mass-produced sports cars. If they can be compared to anything European - it's German. BMWs, Benzes and Porsches are also mass-produced. To which end, I see all mass-market models from these and other marques as sports cars. Compare a stock R with a 4WD 911, or a GTSt with a Boxter - and you'll have yourself a better comparison. $50k GTR vs. $500k McLaren? Please. Have you ever been to the Ferrari factory? Seen how they hand-build a Lambo? Looked at the materials engineering behind the McLaren development? These cars share more in common with fighter aircraft and Formula 1 race cars than they do with their road-going bretheren. Yes - most of these cars utilise modern production techniques - but the amount of personal care received by even the most basic 355 is enough to set these cars apart. Hell - look at the price tag! There is no argument as to the sporting competency of a Skyline - R or T - and sure, stock for stock, an R is faster than many other cars out there. But - what the Skylines have up their sleeve is potential - this point being illustrated time and time again when we see modified examples exhibiting amazing behaviour. This potential is what makes the cars we drive great. It's what makes them envied and admired... but out of the box, the Skyline is just another well-engineered, showroom edition sportscar. Performance bargain? Yes. Massive potential? Yes. World beating supercar? No.
  12. GTST + $26k > GTR on a drag strip. Assuming money was spent on performance and you didn't just spend $26k on a paintjob and some stickers Hell - a GTST with $5k in the right place would out perform a stock R over 400m
  13. Just to put the argument to rest once and for all: The GTR is faster than the Lada. And to add my 2c to the thread: I bought the R over the T - as even with big money spent on modifications, the GTST would always be a GTST and never an R. Sure it may be faster - but personally, I always wanted a GTR - a GTST, whilst being a great car - would simply never have been 'the one'.
  14. Quality is the name of the game here: A night out at the Newmarket Hotel's famous dinner and show. Where: Newmarket Hotel, Inkerman St - St Kilda Near cnr Inkerman & Barkley Sts * note that the high level of attractiveness represented here, is inversely proportional to what is available at the venue When: Thursday 27th May - 7.00pm What: Due to demands for more chicken schnitzel from some people (Adz) - this is an enjoyable night out - with beer, schnitzel... and a show. This is not recommended to people who value class and taste in their dinner shows. Not over the top or sleazy... but not exactly family restaurant fare. Also - as an excuse - it is to celebrate the recent engagement of Evil (Dave) and NS2500 (Greg) - also JagR33 (Jack) if he is able to come along. How much: Dinner will be about $15 - plus drinks and tips for the entertainment Please RSVP to this thread so we can book for numbers. Any questions - please ask in the thread. Confirmed: Jamezilla (James) + 1 NS2500 (Greg) Evil (Dave) R31 Nismoid (Ash) Snowman (Andrew) + 1 Al (Al) Adzmax (Adam) + 1 DJ L3thal (Nathan) + 4 Deorbit (Shivam) Horus (Sam) SkylineGeoff (Geoff) GTTR34 (what's your real name?)
  15. Will be doing some Buller weekends this year. Lada is good in the snow I went to NZ last September - fantastic stuff. Agreed that Cardrona is the best - but had good fun at TC. Dislocated my shoulder
  16. Corner extremities of the car are hard to see - so makes parking a much slower and care oriented activity - with still the rick of a touch as you can't see where the car ends.
  17. Righto. Thanks D
  18. If you do head up - what approx time of the day are you thinking? Trying to do time-based Leewah/Procar/Dale's 30th sums in my head. I want to manage a bit of all of them
  19. First screenshots of the hood, yo: http://www.rockstargames.com/sanandreas/ Looks like more cap-bustin action coming up. Hope the BMX is a vehicle
  20. Can I just assure and reassure people that there is nothing classy at all about the proposed evening of breast and breasts. The 'performers' are skanks. The 'local workforce' are also skanks... those who aren't guys anyway. I'd even hazard a guess that the barmaids are not about to win Miss Universe competitions. The most attractive part of the evening will be the beads of icy water glistening on the side of a jug of Carlton's finest amber ale. Mmmmm. So... have we set a date?
  21. I think I get it... will bug you about it on Saturday Ash. Thanks
  22. Haha - top shelf Thanks. Was worth the wait.
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