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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Thanks dark Can you email to: [email protected] Thanks a buncho
  2. Sorry - was a little grumpy sounding. Apologies. My problem is illustrated thus: And I want to see the clip. Dammit. So if anyone can transcode an ASF into something less stupi... ah, I mean more friendly... I'd be grateful.
  3. Oh - yeah. My bad. erhm: $35,699.78 in fines. BTW: That's a Victorian traffic cop's weekly quota
  4. This may seem like a stupid question - but indulge me... Why do the VLs 'spool' at the start line? Or, more to the point, why do they take so long to 'spool'?
  5. Haha - Google Image Search - it's your best friend http://images.google.com/
  6. Grrr - do you know what ASF stands for? A Stupid (f*cking) Format! Not all of us line Mr Gates' pockets with gold - does anyone have a QuickTime friendly version? MOV, MPEG - none of that DivX or AVI bollocks please. Hell, I'll even settle for a WiMP WMV file.
  7. Yep - those Francaise gendarmes have alerted the Espanol... ah, whatever Spanish police are called... to stop the Gumballers! http://news.com.au/common/story_page/0,405...55E1702,00.html The Spanish police who, juding from that video of the guy on the motorbike I saw the other day, seem to be fresh out of humor have impounded 20-cars and thrown some of the automotive aristocracy behind bars. Props though to the guy who travelled 210km in 50 mins The Gumball has an £8000 entry fee (not including car, fuel, tyres, bribes, tolls etc) and last year (in the US) generated nearly $20,000 in fines! Tattslotto - here we come! James
  8. Yeah - I'm thinking that... You can book tables on the 'entertainment' nights - would need to get an idea of numbers though. They pay 'extra' attention to the buck When for? 27th May?
  9. Jamezilla


    We have postcounts now? Anyhoo... Sorry to derail thread All I can say is keep calm, maybe even enjoy a drink every now-and-then - but never to excess of you'll end up in photos on the internet - and nobody wants that Louise's brother is 16 - and he's at the rebel-against-parent stage also. So you're not alone. Just don't do anything rash that you will regret. Even though they shipped me off to boarding school in year 8, I have a great relationship with my P's - and I can say I'd be devestated if I'd done anything to alienate them when I was younger. They're the only parents you get (unless you join some sick cult) - so bend over, grit your teeth, and take their rules like a man. It all works out in the end - and besides, you can't drink properly until you're 24. Just look at Ash
  10. Jamezilla


    Ah - so thats where you get it from. Post-whoring is a genetic trait. I better call a scientist...
  11. Jamezilla


    Haha Danny - you are a true role model for us all
  12. Jamezilla


    Yeah, he'll never understand four asterisks in a row anyway.
  13. Jamezilla


    * sigh :rolleyes Dark - sweet 16 and all the burdens of life upon ye. Bottom line - their house, their rules. Face the facts that although 16, cool and drinkin' - they know better than you, are smarter than you and are looking out for your best interests. Thats what parents do. Even if you have a fulltime job at 18 - it's hard work living out of home. Hell, I had to learn cooking tips from Snowman! And definitely don't go the druggie mates option. I know what it's like to come home from work and your 'housemate' has departed with a few of your posessions to pay for some 'candy' Oh.. Never call your mum a b*tch - ever. You may not like the rules or decisions, but she's still your mum. A bit of respect.
  14. Uh - yeah, I agree with the water bit. No hose near the motor. Here's another one:
  15. Just so people are clear - can you copy this pic and draw an arrow where the washer fell?
  16. I take your yes in Melb, and raise you a hell yes for living in Sth Yarra. I get pulled over all the time - just tootling home from work, or out to the shops. The usual 'where are you going/doing' questions end when I show my licence and tell them I live around the corner. They usually 'justify' the traffic stop with a lights/tyres check and tell me to drive safe. Pull over first, ask questions later. They told me they've been told to pull over 'cars like this'. Haven't been booked (lately) - but they sure waste my time Never stopped in the Subaru (Liberty) or the Civic. Only been pulled over once in the Lada (was covered in mud and couldn't read my numberplate) - cop made a stupid cop joke and left me be.
  17. OK - my mistake: Inkerman St * highly inapproprite image A review: Tits n' Schnitz at the Newmarket Hotel in Inkerman St. on Thursday nights. Cheap beer, cheap massive schnitzels, topless barmaids and strippers later on. It is in my opinion, the roughest pub in Melbourne (although i don't venture outside of the inner city). Top stuff
  18. Schnitz n Tits - Thursdays at the Newmarket Hotel, Alma Rd - St Kilda. It's not classy, flashy, or high quality - so I'm sure it will do just fine. What would you guys do without me? And who gives a crap about a carpark - as we wont' be drivin' home I say an SAU bucks night is a top plan. We all take a sickie on the Friday - and go party, broadway style
  19. This would be awesome! Let's do it
  20. I know many of us cruise the highway of life with a warm, fuzzy feeling knowing our Skylines are some of the most technologically advanced pieces of hardware out there. Active differentials, 4WD, 4-wheel steering, climate control... the whole box and dice. But sometimes, you wonder, what would the rest of the world be like if they had access to this? Well... your Photoshop challenge is to illustrate products using this technology. Here are some quick ones to get the ball rolling... Enjoy James
  21. NEO engine has VVT. R33 is cheaper - duh.
  22. Isn't the main reason every GTR in a road-event is an 'N1' so they can run steel-blade turbos? Gary (R32Impul) has a genuine R32 GTR N1 fi you want to ask him specifics. There was an HPI article about it a while back too - but it was for the R33.
  23. How big is the gap it fell down? Can you get a magnetic-tip screwdriver down there?
  24. Bugger - Geoff and I looked around for people - he even parked next to a blue Series II across the Rd. We were inside as it was colder than a c*nt full of snow outside...
  25. You sly diggedy dog! N'er a mention of this yesterday... Congratulations to you both You can swap wedding plan ideas with Evil Dave Oh... and those photos look great. I love the tunnel one! Will have to get a better convertible and try again.
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