Hi all
Just to run through the final items we need - and if people can help out in getting them, please do so...
If your name is next to an item - you know what is involved and will do it
Trestle tables
We need 4 of these. Harry the Hirer in Richmond has them available as 2.4m long x 75cm high. Can somone arrange please? http://www.harrythehirer.com.au
Name tags: Ash
Stickers: Shan & SlySX
Flyers: James & Mesh
We'll need 6x black sheets. Probably single-bed size. Does anyone live near a cheap 'Spotlight' type store and can arrange?
Shirts: James
I'm picking these up on Friday arvo. They'll be available to collect from the MEC all through the weekend. Please pay now if you haven't already done so.
Power: Mesh
Playstation 2: James, Evil, Adz, Ni
DVD: James & Mesh
TVs: Greg
Ramps: Ron & James
Barriers: Al
I think that's everything. Please post if somthing has been left out.
If you have soft-cloths and/or detialing spray (Maguires stuff) and don't mind donating some - please bring it along
Thanks again