how many of you guys were at the auto salon dyno on sunday afternoon? the speedworks R34 gtr made 543 hp!!! apparently it was also driven by a V8 supercar driver and he said that it handles better than a V8 supercar (corner entry speed higher, etc).
Hey guys,
Ive noticed that most Skylines that come in from Japan have dirty headlights and the yard where I bought my 'line didn't clean them either. How do i remove the headlamp cover coz there is a rubber seal around it.
hey guys im with Famous Classic Car Insurane........they're OK and I've been to their offices which is kinda small but seems quite efficient. apparently they've been in business for 20 years.
hey there tim
go shop around some more....and yeah insurance brokers do get better rates...
i'm 19 with 0% NCB and insured an R33 for 20 grand with a catback exhaust system and 17" rims and the place where i park my car at nite is a high crime area with NO GARAGE and NO FENCING and im paying 3600 a year
hahahah at least ure mate Aaron did something......some ppl would have just made a police report and forget about it....i would probably have killed the punks
yeah mate, especially down where i live we get this sorts of problems all the time. friend of mine had his car smashed, tyres stolen and spoiler ripped off all on 3 seperate occasions in the space of 3 months.
yeah mine isnt that dark so i dun think i would get into trouble...i drive with the windows down anyways...
my main concern however is that people might break into the car thinking that there is stuff to steal but in the end all i have is a factory head unit.