Hey everyone, I recently noticed my gtr would blow a heap of white smoke just after I've warmed it up, so I figured I'd check the coolant and oil. The oil was about half and the coolant was pretty much gunk from the missing oil. So I did a few searches and it turns out that there is a few possible causes, 1. Blown head gasket, 2. Stock oil cooler has failed and either a cracked block or head. Just wondering if anyone who be able to help me out by leading me in the right direction.
The motor is only freshly built with forgies, acl bearings, n1 pumps and a cometic mls head gasket sprayed with some head gasket spray( I forget the name of it but my mate who's a diesel mech said it would be a good idea to be safe). It wasn't smoking until about 3 days ago and oil pres looks fine on a auto meter gauge and I haven't over heated the motor at all, it's always been at half way on the gauge. Although I have upped the boost to 14psi on the od occasion. So I'm kinda stump to what it it could be.