1. i have camber arms and traction rods to go in the rear of my R33 GTST and the bolts to undo the camber are so tight i am worried i am gonna strip them -
question is, is there any tricks to get em off ? or suck it up and tried harder - just feels like i aint getting anywhere - plus my local sterring and suspension mob want $440 to replace them.
Q2. i have just replaced my brake shoes and i am testing them and they seem to be moving (working corectly) so i put a rotor on and tried the handbrake and it still seems very light - its dosnt get tight as i lift it up plus i can still spin the rotor once it is on.
could it be it needs tightening?
if so what is it i am tighting ? pls point it out in the pic below - because the only thing on each shoe that looks like i could turn is actually a pin holding the shoe..
if someone could point it out in the pic that would be helpfull
( my handbrak failed after two hits on my last drift day - went basically limp and weak ) please ignor how untidy they currently are -