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About melki

  • Birthday 25/02/1983

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    Stuff and Things

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  1. looking at spending a safe 250 - 300k for rental purposes.
  2. I bought a unit in Bayswater about 9 months ago for about 140k, since then a few others have sold in the same complex for around 160 - 170k (unrenovated). I'd say mine would be valued a bit more due to renovations and other additions. I have about 50k in equity and now looking the invest with my bf, but have to hold off for 3 months due to him starting a new job, which means prices increase even more by the time we can get a loan. Any suggestions on areas to buy in? I was considering Balga area. Back on the subject of builders, I had a look at some display home in Ellenbrook the other week. Very pretty, but have a closer look and you can see alot of defects, you would think they would try getting things perfect for a display home. This was another option we were looking at to invest with. We decided against it for an established home. Buliding just looks like a big hassle and too stressful, plus you don't know how long they are going to take and you could have someone in there renting.
  3. http://www.womensoccer.com.au
  4. Lauren ...... it think its time to enforce our corporations SONGOP MJ&L Corp and McKeon & Associates upon this evil so called "council". For with our mighty power we WILL take over the WORLD woooohahahahahah.
  5. nooooooooo i saw your post lauren before the thread was deleted suddenly.
  6. i been there before, had a risotto, wasn't that great, but was prolly my choice in food at fault hehe. haven't tried anything else.
  7. http://www.inthemix.com.au/whatson/show/19191/
  8. thats ok b i understand! wwwaaahhh!
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