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Everything posted by jamesh3

  1. getrippedoff... If you like the bar... keep it! Dont give a sh*t what others think, every1 is different and you'll never be able to please them all. Cheers,
  2. I think a lot of people looking on the Skyline forums for 2nd hand skylines know alot about pricing and really want to get the best deal, too often skylines are sold on the forums quite cheaply, good for buyer, not the greatest for seller. I hope that the car is sold through the paper and some chump pays more for it.
  3. Hi I'm looking for a Stealth boot wing to fit on r33 Gtst. Like the one on red JMS r33 & UAS web site. If you have one for sale please PM me. Cheers PS: Also looking for GTR indicators *the whole indicator unit and plastic around it, not just lenses*.
  4. Hi I'm looking for some r33 GTR indicators for an r33 series 1 GTR Front Bar. Cheers James
  5. Do you have the GTR Front Bar indicators? Cheers
  6. Yep, i PM'd you... If you didnt get it let me know.. I included my email address.. start using that from now on its quicker for me... Cheers.
  7. Measured my car just then... dam its cold outside... :drooling: The lowest part hanging off my car is an inch long metal plate off bottom of intercooler to warn me when dangerously low & scraping.. and that’s @ 140mm. The lowest part on my stock front bar is 160mm. I'm thinking i may as well come and try it out.. just before i do, could i please get a photo or something, I want it to be in good condition, don’t care about scrapes under lip tho... and yeh. I'll PM you. Cheers
  8. That sounds alright, I like that fact that its plastic and will bend rather than crack first * i dont care about it scraping underneath. Ummm I'm going to go measure my car's ride hight right now *its been lowerd*... I have a r33 GTS-t 95 series 1.5. Series 1 body with the series 2 gear. I'm going to have to find out if it'll fit. Sounding alright so far. If it comes down to it, & i had to try and see if it fits on would that be ok, if it fits obviously i'd buy. Cheers, James
  9. I'm also im after a GTR front bar coz its plastic, i cracked my 400R coz its too low, using the stock-o bar now.. Im thinkin a GTR would be good. Do you know if they're any lower than a 400R *including the lip*. Could you give any pictures or measurements of the height. Also what series year model 33 was it taken from? Cheers
  10. If anyone has a Carbon Fibre Bonnet for s1 r33 for sale. Please email me some info, pics, price to [email protected] Thanx James
  11. Owww and you know what the funniest thing is... I Never said that 3psi boost will give you an extra 20km... Sure i was seeing it on my car, but from the very start, i only ever asked "why this was occurring", i never said, raise your car 3pound you'll get 20km/h lol, i knew there was something going on, exactly the reason to post... To find an answer. Although there were some great posts on how engines work, saying why it was impossible, other idiots were interpreting it as something else it never was, if it wasnt for these people there would have been more knowledge & answers posts on the subject, instead it was loads of crap. Responding to something which wasnt said. As for people who didnt read or interpret it right :bonk:
  12. Yeh i know m8. There have been some great posts, have learnt from people with great knowledge on cars. It is fair enough do let it die, i just call something out there a different name. I think its tomato, other tomarto. Ehhh.... Really we're talking about the same think i just call it "this", they call it "that" but the backbone of it is the same thing. My expansion on double clutchin has essentially been the same and i have had another’s post i've been correct on the details of it. Dont think i havent been reading whats been being posted, I have learnt from this thread, mainly just confirmations from people with great posts on how the shit really works! so theres no doubts. I think this could be a never ending war, i could go on more with examples of people using this double clutch term but wats the point. My point of saying my term is correct isnt getting through, and many others out there believe its what they've simply heard so lets keep it that way. Pretty hilarious really seeing all i wanted to get an estimate of what my cars putting out... one thing lead to another... funny shit anyways Call it what you want. I think i just wouldnt let my argument die because i have sources of the term, and what ya know, they do too...
  13. yeh your right *hit rev limit. 100km 2nd. Dam skylines are funn cars to rev the **** out of. As for "slipping" yeh better at lower revs to get boost up higher quicker. I hit 5.9 0-100 too on better surface less wheel spin lol. i know its atleast 6's now. Owww as for the most entertaining post on double clutching in Aust... lol called slipping what i was talking about, why would other people i know call it double clutching too, and why would a multimillion dollar movie call it that do? Because in fact... it is pushing the the clutch twice, which would make it a double clutch... lol! i love this havoc and all these angry people... lmao
  14. Wrong. Thats like truck double clutching. Not Racing double clutching... Doop! Firstly Read post #27 & #24. Lol mate, thats the other form of Double Clutching most people think when they hear that term. You are ignorant like many others,i dont blame you but perhaps you should read posts 27 & 24 about Double Clutching which you've probably never even heard of before then read another about "Popping" & "Fanning" which is the same thing... Once you have finally read the post and then know why double clutching is faster for turbo cars, you may be the once laughing at your self. "I can not believe anyone is that stupid" Ignorance is Bliss aint it! :flamed: hahah
  15. I am, my SAFC just tells me my Revs.
  16. I like your point, but were not talking about a 5 or 10 km/h difference, we're talking about a full 20km/h difference. I never hit rev limiter, only ever hit it once, i always shift at 6500... My Apexi computer even tells me that. So its not just a guess of when i actually shifted. Oww and i dont shift at 6500 because im loosing power, im shifting at it because its peak power right there and its the best time to shift. "more boost there may be a little more top end, so you rev the car that couple of hundred rpm harder." Yeh good point, but a couple extra hundred RPM wouldnt explain for a whole 20km/h. Dont worry, I'll be testing tomorrow. :run:
  17. What ya mean? I'm sure its some sarcastic comment i'd laugh at. Even at myself. :run:
  18. I was right, you where right. Double Clutching has a Double meaning it seems... lol You'll find some people think its what you said, and others what i said. What i meant is what Vin meant in Fast and Furious. Most people think Double Clutching is what you think, and if they think that, then they think old boy Vin's speech is bullshit. But after MeshMesh's great explanation on Double Clutching which is called Popping or Fanning, Vin is right and it should all make sense now! :run:
  19. Lol i dont think im going mad, i know what im seeing, but most likely my cars going mad! Like i said, I'm gona ring my mechanic, see if he can think of any reason. I like the theory of boost gauge connected to speedo! hehehe :run:
  20. Great crashcourse lesson on getting the power to the wheels, well done. Ok well it seems then all I can think off is that my Speedo is playing up with the ECU. Because i cant hit even 90km/h in 2nd running standard boost. But your right, regardless of boost the gear ratio should only achieve a certain speed in that gear. If anyone has any idea's on why im seeing this speed difference from 3psi then they'd be the icing on the cake to end this Thread. Thanks again Ronin 09 for your great post. :run:
  21. Now that we have Double Clutching / Popping sorted out i cant stop thinking about this Boost / Speed occurrence... I'm thinking, is it possible that because im using a boost controller and my ECU is stoping me at 10psi that my ECU is actually ****ing around with my speedo and showing me a speed which im not actually doing? I highly doubt it as for i would think the Speedo would be calculated on its own but I'm just trying to think of other ways Besides "gear ratio" which is causing this. I must say it certainly feels like 100km/h... How i get it i dont know. Can we please get some examples? Anyone who has an r33 Gtst, How Fast can you do in 2nd gear at rpm and boost level? I'm sure with enough thoughts thrown in the air we'll end up figuring out whats going on If you know any mechanics or pro's in this area it would be good to ask them and find out what could be going on? :run:
  22. You got that one pretty much spot on, well explained... It's also called double clutching by people, it seems the term 'double clutching' has 2 different explanations and most people think the other. From now on so theres no confusion i hope I'll be calling it "fanning" or "stepping" or "popping" hehehe.
  23. Hahah this is your theory, not mine. I dont have a theory, i can only tell you what is happening. I simply think you, me, & every1 else doesnt quite understand how power is converted to the actual wheels. If im running at 4000 revs. at a speed of say eg. 75km/h. If i boost up a hill and still keep the revs around 4000 the car might gain up to 85km/h. Boost gives your more power to put it simple, a Harder Bang from the engine regardless of RPM, boost gives power. Now somehow this power is converted to get it to the wheels. So it makes sence to me that If theres more power, theres going to be more speed, but how this is actually converted I'd dont know! I'm getting pissed off with every1 saying it doesnt make sense so I'll ring up my this turbo specialist Mechanic and see what what they have to say. Maybe we're thinking or going a totally wrong way about this, i dont know. But to put it simple. I get 100km/h in 2nd with higher boost compared to a regular 80km/h. I think my next test is to see how fast i can go in 3rd on Standard boost, then up it. I'ma Ring my mechanic and find out! :run:
  24. I thought the same thing! I cant understand why I get an extra 20km/h from 3psi, I would think at 6500rpm in 2nd gear, you would only to be able to do what is the result of its ratio, which is 80km/h when i run stock 7psi. I have a GReddy Profec B boost controller, I turn on the High Boost setting @ 10psi and I can do 100km/h in 2nd gear at 6500. I Dont understand it much either, but once i get my PowerFC, i will boost up to 14psi, and see if i can go even faster at the same rpm. I think you and myself needs to have this explained by some1 who REALLY knows there shit. All i'm telling you is what happens, and how it happens is another story. Owww I'll also let you know. When i boost up a hill *eg ourimbah mountain*. I'll be driving at 3000rpm under vacuum coz not on pedal much, it'll quickly rise to say 4000 rpm and run its full boost. But my speed will be climbing very quickly from 130, 140, 150 etc. While my revs are only climbing very minimal, 4200, 4400, 4600. DONT Trust me on those figures its only an example. But all i know is that when i Boost in my car, regardles off Where the Revs are at, or how they are increasing. Boost gives you more power, which is somehow converted to the wheels and gives me Higher speeds! Dont ask my how, ask an expert, a person who actually works on that type of stuff.
  25. Thats not the type of Double Clutching I'm talking about, although i have had many people call it this, When people hear about Double Clutching and say "What that makes no sense, theres no point" They are thinking of the WRONG type of Double Clutching. I suggest you read my explanation on Double Clutching when racing.
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