I'm for a cruise no matter what...May have a 180SX tagging along too.
Bells Line of Road. The Jist is.....
We meet up at a central location. I've always been a fan of Homebush 6C.
From there we could skip accross town to the M2, via Five Dock, before the M2 we could stop at the Space Station McDonalds to pick up any Northerners and Food/Fuel.
Proceed up the M2, throught Winsdor...Need to make sure your tanks are full of the good fuel when we leave Winsdor (Couldn't find a Premium Fuel at Winsdor last time)
Anyway...Leave Winsdor through Richmnond and onto the Bells Line of Road...I know of one or two speed cameras on there at the beginning and cops do patrol (no more then average-like your in the mountains)...It not as oscolated as the Old Pac Road...But there will be some chances for dashes and its quite twisty and interesting to drive on.
One we have reached Lithgow, Coffee, Food what ever.
After that we can either backtrack or go back home using the M4. At which point we'll end up at Homebush...Everyone should (I hope) now where they are when your on the M4.
This is an idea, but I'm open to others.