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Everything posted by Badgaz

  1. man you are a wet blanket sometimes ay.
  2. aftermarket recirc bov? turbosmart?
  3. RIPS can do 3litr or 3.2....most of the last few big engines they've built have been 3.2ltre.
  4. Call or e-mail Rob at rips racing.....he has good advice and could build you what you want easily....he's just finished a car for canada.
  5. i went back over some older logs and i've definately been over 80 degrees before but not usually.....i did think it could be a low temp thermostat. why would they put the IAT in factory and not use it? i'd think its just used for pulling timing the same as the PFC but will check...seeing as i have both.
  6. who doesn't launch at 8000rpm? its the only way to launch them properly.
  7. its much colder here in NZ. it was about 8 degrees that night. it matters to me what the PFC does to it....and i don't care what the Factory ECU does, but i'll find out anyway...and i think the OP has a PFC. Just checked my logs and water temp was sitting 75 degrees to 77 the whole time...the IAT was showing 30 degrees....
  8. i think i have this same problem with my wifes GTR...the temp never went over 75 on a night of logging and tuning which meant it was always getting slightly more fuel across the whole map.
  9. looks like it'll do both, however it is inj vs airT and boost. which i'm guessing might only be enabled if you have the PFC boost control kit. 50 degree airt = 0 60 degree airt = 3 degrees retard 70 degree airt = 5 degrees retard
  10. i think it uses it to pull ign timing when inlet temps get too high....i'll double check though.
  11. it could be your tune also....just re-reading your OP it could also be because its only been tuned for WOT....which is common.
  12. a bad batch of fuel can do this also. if you can borrow or get some knock ears you'll be able to confirm if it is actual detonation. My knock reading would show 30 but knock was actually audible knock ....don't always trust the factory sensors....the sensors are not powerfc...they are factory knock sensors....the power fc is not a crappy ecu...however it is old now and there are better ones....especially from a tuning point of view.
  13. wonder if its anything to do with accelerator enrichment.?
  14. Lol like many of us.
  15. actually...no.... ks-pro kit. the ks-4 doesn't have headphone output.
  16. I've been looking at those as well... There are some good YouTube demonstrations of it.
  17. Mine had audible knock through headphones on a knock link at what the factory knock sensors were showing at 30. At Wot my max timing is 17 degrees at 7000rpm
  18. a knock sensor maybe faulty but not throw an ecu fault code.
  19. make sure you strengthen/gusset it where you can...especially if your exhaust system isn't supported properly....a lot of weight hangs off it.... and they crack and warp.
  20. Initially i had thought that as my ign was showing different in my logging to what it showed on the map....but i tried adjusting the fuel map at idle and watched the afr's change. it'd be nice to have power excel to see if there is an idle control system unseen through the fcdatalogit. the tps will not affect your tune mixtures.
  21. ok lets just forget the f**kin loops then shall we? idle speed control as you say....and o2 feedback. either way...you'll need to adjust your idle mixtures if you have o2 feedback turned off.
  22. i'd recommend resetting your idle... turn the car off...unplug your tps.... start car....adjust idle air control screw on the AAC valve until you are at 750rpm. turn car off...plug tps back in...give that a try.
  23. do you have a stock ecu or powerFC....idle control is either closed loop with the o2 feedback turned on or open loop (set by tuning it) if its hunting this can becuase it is running too lean at idle.
  24. while i agree with everything here he can still use the powerfc.
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