hooking timing light up to ignition lead betwee coil pack 1 and spark plug. i didn't lock the timing as per the procedure on the stinger ecu but i did check that no other ign correction was being made and set the cells all around the current map point to 20 degrees.
is this cause by incorrect installation of the CAS? to remedy would i best take the CAS off and move engine to TDC then re-install?
i've read this can also be caused by the rubber on the crank damper slipping?
or should i just leave it?
someone here will have the answer, but these are my thoughts and i'm still really learning so i could be wrong but advancing the exhaust cam timing will decrease overlap and increase cylinder pressure...which would lead to more heat being generated.
but thats not pouring the oil through a fixed diameter like a lifter...so surely the higher viscosity means its thicker through a given sized hole? does the oil expand with the heat also? i understood the thicker/more viscous oils at temperature don't flow so well but do provide better oil film on the surfaces?
do a boost leak test see if you can find a leak... open the throttle as well with a brick on the pedal and spray soapy water on everything ...then find bubbles. do you have idle air control valve? or is it all ditched?
accurate mixture control combined with the best timing would be ideal in any situation. my rb25det runs 18degrees at 1.2bar on 98octane.
where do you want the most power to be? top end of the rpm or as early as possible?