Ol' MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O, on that farm he had some cops, E-I-E-I-O, with a oink oink here and a oink oink there...
On a more serious note, they tried to connect the rocks shooting with the modified car community, and so far, i havent seen any kind of evidence to suggest this. Another example of yet media dragging a old story out for as long as possible.
The Lebanese guys were out of line in taunting the cops, whoops, cops. Sure its fun, but they're giving the police an reason to "harrass" them, and they have no one to blame but themselves. If you dont want cops wasting your time, just be respectful, "Yes sir, no sir", no point arguing, because it will only fusterate them even more, a so-called hoon, telling them how to do their job.
take care out there guys...