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RBrennan25 last won the day on October 11 2016

RBrennan25 had the most liked content!

About RBrennan25

  • Birthday 09/07/1990

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    SG9 Forester XT
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  1. Welcome mate, that photo looks fantastic. Definitely check out the event section, our cruise in December is the one we look forward to all year, it's the best drive you can do in my opinion. Hopefully you can make it and meet a few of us, there'll be some killer cars there Looking forward to the build thread mate
  2. Will try and make this as it is by far the best cruise of the year. Put me down as a maybe because I may get stuck working. Let's hope not
  3. Welcome mate. Post up your location and a few photos of the car. Also be sure to check out the events section, we run heaps of cruises and track days which are always fantastic days
  4. those photos are stunning mate, great looking car!! can't wait to see more updates from this
  5. Hey Christian just having a few issues with the iPhone app, not all of my subscribed threads are showing in the subscribed section. There is also nothing showing in the notifications section. Thanks for the hard work mate, it's much appreciated
  6. I have a Subaru and no one has tried to ban me yet All are welcome
  7. I won't know my roster until the week before but put me down as a maybe until then. This is an awesome cruise for anyone who hasn't done it before and lots of good photo opportunities
  8. A turbo 6 would be way faster than the 8 though. Look at the XR6 turbo, turn the boost up and you're already way quicker than an XR8
  9. Glad to see I'm not the only person thinking this. Although the twin scroll turbo on the fa20 makes the low down torque quite good even compared to my ej25Edit: fa20 also needs unequal length headers. Sounds wrong otherwise
  10. Order me one please Want one of these so bad. Drove behind one on Friday night and the exhaust note is absolutely awesome
  11. I can post the BOV for $25. The intercooler is too hard
  12. Hahahaha will do mate, looking forward to it. And the Audi
  13. I'll be the guy awkwardly trying to hide an erection while checking out said RS4
  14. Loving the work so far mate, look forward to seeing more updates. Reading this really makes me miss my R33 4 door. Keep it up mate
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