I have a 32 and I find if you have some kids toys and things lying around if you get pulled over and they see these things they tend to treat you as normal. Especially if you are worried about being searched. Worked for me in the city one night. My boyfriend has a 33 with neon lights under it. I got them installed for him and rang transport dept and found out that green is legal. Police dont like it but cant do anything about it. Anyone reading this who wants neons ring transport they will fax or post you the guidelines. (Know they can't be red,blue,yellow or white.)
Also one point (if you like to go a bit over the limit-km I mean,) other people flash their lights at you. 9/10 radrs I am warned about compared to 1/20 before skyline days, this is a huge benefit. The other day I think someone actually pulled in front of me and made me slow down before I passed a radar. I think they just assume you are speeding. I got my open and lost 6 points in first week, bought my line, no fines for 6 months. So far this is a record for me. And I go faster in this car than have ever been before.
Also 4 doors without big front spoiler have the power but look like all other cars (but really what would be the point of that.)