Factory purposely thicnken paint up as it hides imperfection in the panels. At times it could gets peely or murky -could depend on the run at the time. Or the peel may have come from previous respray.
Its more noticeable on flat colors Red/Black. These colors dont need clear they are 2K. White/Silver/Blue need to lay color then clear. So you wont see it as much.
Nevertheless from factory Jap cars usual peel isnt to bad.
How much are you looking at selling the car for?? What model is it? Km's?
On your other thread I thought I was expecting something.. well better than this. Rims set off a car, but in this case, they dont.
Cant see any blend in paint- just looks like you had it flow coated. Only pics though.
19 x 10.5 rays gts rims to suit all gtr's, these rims are new and only released by rays last year. Customed ordered with black centres so these are the only set in aus. Selling for $3600 ono, contact Peter on 0416 243 098 wheels are in syd.