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Everything posted by discopotato03

  1. Dredging up an old thread but has relevance ATM . Just wanted to mention that for people wanting to extend the capabilities of their GT3076R's have a think for a sec about the respective GT30 and GT35 exhaust housing castings probably being the same . Same flange size and in theory same A/R housing but with a bit more of the guts profile machined out if its intended for the larger 68mm turbine wheel . I'll try and get the links for the turbine maps of the GT3076R and GT3582R turbo from turbobygarrett . If you look at the GT35 one the lines do a gentle curving climb where the 30Rs ones rise to a point and flat line or plateau if you like . Out of time more tonight , A .
  2. Yes and the map , sorry , best I could do with Digi camera . Cheers A .
  3. A bit more in this saga . I spoke to Michael at GCG again and it sounds like the 700177-6 cartridge isn't going to be a problem and they've had them before , late last year most recently . The biggie is going to be can Garrett supply the ported compressor housing they sell to HKS for 52T 3037S's . Just have to wait and see now . A .
  4. The part number for the port shrouded turbocharger one is 700382-12 , 700177-7 is its cartridge number - basically the center section with both end housings removed . This is my opinion based on my research and hundreds of peoples findings all over . The surge ported one has the more modern compressor wheel and is the same era technology as its turbine wheel . What people call the S wheel is a "T" series wheel designed to work with T era turbines . That aside the cheaper one with the "S" compressor has a larger bulkier heavier compressor housing so it's a bit more difficult to package . If nothing else weight and bulk are best avoided where possible . There are a lot of reasons why the surge ported GT3076R is the superior unit and there is a weeks worth of reading on this site just on these units . It the cost was the only criteria you buy the cheaper one - and regret it ever after . $300 is a tidy sum of money but it's chicken feed compared to buying an inferior turbocharger and having to right the wrong . Those wise to the topic won't want to buy the inferior turbo no matter how new it is and the only cost recovery strategy is selling to a newbie or cost cutting to get rid of it . So lets just say you resell a now "used" turbo for several hundreds less than you paid for it and have to wear the cost of the new more exy better turbo . So with the real GT3076R you get a better compressor wheel in a lighter more compact compressor housing AND you can use any of the available Garrett or HKS GT30 turbine housing sizes ranging from 0.61 A/R to 1.12 A/R and it shouldn't surge . Search GT3076R and GT3037 and take note of people who have real world experience because they've been there done that . I'm cooking up , if I can source the bits , a slight variation of the GT3076R which is all Garrett parts and no sneaky back yard BS . If you can wait a little while we'll see if it gives the desired results . If not buy the real GT3076R and know you have one of the better "GT30" family BB turbo options . Over to you , cheers A .
  5. That was quick , dunno about that one . Have to wait and see . Cheers , Adrian .
  6. Possibly but I'm going to do my damndest for the 52T GT37 compressor and the ported compressor housing . Its the challenge of have a "small block" less exy RB30 that's a tad lazy down low - for a three liter ... I've been in consultation with DaleFZ1 and he's given the pros and cons , yeah I know , of the Garrett vs the Pro S HKS housings . I was saying that the limited value could be its 0.68 A/R size which is in between the GT30 Garrett's 0.63 and 0.82 turbine housings . I have said in the past that it's possible HKS intended the 0.68 Pro housing for RB20's and the 0.87 for RB25's . Gary said that in some ways the Garrett housing is easier to fit to the manifold and its slightly more agricultural waste gate style doesn't seem to give anything away to HKS's blinger looking thing . The HKS Pro housing may prove slightly better at wastegating if exhaust gas velocity was very high though the people who've used both don't see any difference other than probably A/R size . This is great news for most of us because it means we don't have to chase the expensive less common turbine housing or its more involved dump pipes flange/tube setup . Matter of choice but I think if I was having a dump pipe fabricated to suit the Garrett gated housing I'd try to make it with a narrow divider and the sectioned tube bend just to have the most area and least resistance between the gates "well" and it's outlet passage . Anyway that's a bit down the track yet . I'll try and get the non Garrett map I have for their GT3776 and 3782 diesel turbos and scan and post . I've had this one for some years and put liquid paper over the islands for the other wheels because they are all on the one graph and confusing to read . To give some idea the left side of the map corresponds to about 15 lbs airflow at the 2 bar line (1 bar positive) which lines up with ~ 49 lbs flow at the RHS of the map . Its island of highest efficiency is 78% and along that 2 bar line spans the 24 to about 38 lbs airflow scale . This island bottoms out at ~ 1.5 bar/20 lbs flow and tops out at perhaps 2.8 bar and 40 lbs of flow . Granted it probably isn't in a T04E compressor housing and mentions "T04 Housing 76mm , 52 trim , 0.70 A/R" . I cant remember where I downloaded this map from but I pencilled up the side at the time "HKS GT3037 49 lbs/min or 709 cfm max flow at 2.4 PR and 60% . 33 psi max limited by wheel speed . Some American site and I'll try to find it later , gotta organise a clutch flywheel and install now . Cheers A .
  7. Hi , if this filter can live in a low pressure environment there is one used in an older Volvo - it may have been from an old K Jet mechanical fuel injection system . I honestly can't remember its part number but it has quite large barbs - something like 12 or 13mm from memory . I had a boot mounted EFI conversion system in a Bluebird many years ago and it had 1/2 fuel hose in part of it . I can only think it would have been between the pot and the Bosch 975 pump I used because I doubt the Carter low pressure pump or most of the pots fittings would have been larger than 8 or 10mm . I think Stewart Wilkins Motorsport has them so worth a call if you can live with a plastic in line barbed filter/strainer type device . Cheers A .
  8. Just in case you're interested in what a T04E 0.60 A/R port shrouded compressor loks like with its pants down . This one is off a GT3037S in the US . Cheers A .
  9. Have the new organic clutch kit from Jim and have to organise to get it fitted . First the spare flywheel has to be lightened/faced/balanced and then the clutch assembled on it and balanced again as a complete assembly . As I said before it consists of a genuine 250mm Z32 300ZX TT Daiken (Exedy) sprung center clutch plate though it was modded . Because of the way Jim set up the whatever 2600 lb clamp pressure plate assembly it wouldn't let go of the friction material with the std plates wave springs under the linings . The facings had to be removed and the waves reset and when he tested it he said now alls good . Actually mine came south with another very similar kit which had a very similar pressure plate assembly that was set up for a sprung six button carbon composite clutch plate . It will be very handy to compare the two and if that hard to get 3037 turbo can be had I may just have a need for a similar clutch kit . More as it pans out , cheers A .
  10. Yes my thoughts are also to forsake the 50 Hp (5lbs air) off the top end of an in theory 540 Hp compressor to gain a slightly lower boost threshold at the other end . Given a choice I'd go for the ported compressor housing because it takes the guesswork out of the surge issue and if you wanted to experiment with housings smaller than that Garrett GT30 0.82 ie the 0.68 Pro S one or even the GT30 0.63 one you can . With the real GT3071R 56T I sort of had the feeling that the 71.1 mm GT compressor wheel was not really in step with the GT30 turbine , possibly this turbine in 84 trim doesn't spin this compressor fast enough to make it work or if the turbine housing is small and does the comp surges . Again I think it needs that 60mm 76T NS111 turbine that Garrett won't give us . I have to wonder why Garrett via HKS put into production GT3037's with 48 52 and 56T GT37 compressors and then teamed the 71.1 mm GT35 family compressors , again in 48 52 and 56 trims , with the cropped GT30 turbine . It almost sounds like they found problems with the full 60mm sized GT30 turbine when combined with the 71.1mm GT35 family compressor wheels . Why Garrett would then put the real GT3071R into production is anyone's guess , particularly without a ported comp cover . Um also for the record my turbo charts show the highest performance version of the HKS GT2835R , 56T 0.50 A/R T04E comp cover with 100mm inlet so assumes port shrouded housing , shows it as good for 420 PS or 30 less than a GT3037S 52T with the same E family comp housing but in 0.60 A/R . Turbine housing wise we RB people are really limited to T3 sized mounting flanges and GT30 type ones at that . Almost everyone that I could get hold of with GT30 family turbos on RB25's leaned towards that 0.82 size and I think Mafia was one of the few who tried both the 0.63 and the 0.82 . Some have had the HKS GT Pro S on 3037 Pro S turbos and at least one changed his 0.68 for the larger 0.87 one . I'm not sure which would suit me better but its probably a juggle between the 0.68 HKS or the 0.82 Garrett one . Other factors come into it like whats done to your RB25 ie head cams CR etc . The head I bought off wolverine was ported by Harris and has oversize exhaust valves plus 256 Poncams fitted and set to give a static CR of ~ 9.2:1 so I think these would improve the off boost torque and throttle response compared to an unopened 33 25DET . More as comes to hand , cheers A .
  11. Not many around and a bit of a bitzer orphan , look at it as a GT3582R with its turbine cropped down to GT32 dimensions ie 68mm to ~ 64mm and grafted into a T25/28 flanged GT30 turbine housing . Compressor side is virtually the same as as GT3582R on the the compressor wheel is 54T instead of 56T . I've read about these GT3240's being used on SR20's and Evo Lancer 4G63's and HKS has just released a kit version to put them on the current Lancer Evo 10 . Its not twin scroll in the last case but it does use a clever adapter between its 0.73 A/R T28 flanged turbine housing and the cars std manifold which also has the mount for an external wastegate . Cheers Adrian .
  12. I don't think GCG have it and they are going to chase up the local Garrett franchise to see if they do - which is probably unlikely . It is listed and would be way beyond HKS's "ours only" 6-7 yr honeymoon period . It may be the same situation we had when the real GT3076R and GT3071R were not locally available , in short supply because there was not much if any interest so low/no stock on hand . From what I'm told the issue with assembling a turbo with this cartridge is the port shrouded compressor housing . HKS GT3037 52T turbos used both the ported housing and the non ported one depending on the application . The ported one is more expensive to make and means you have to use a larger diameter inlet hose to go over the 100mm/4" snout . Two litre fours like SR20's don't seem to be very compressor surge prone unless quite small ratio turbine housings are used . It goes the other way with small capacity engines (small capacity cylinders) like say an RB20 with ~330cc pots and largish turbos for that engine size . I think it's a case of limited torque output from small capacity engines and the need to have the turbo pumping air in as early as possible to get the whole shooting match on the boil . Have you ever noticed that model specific turbos for smaller RB's have ported housings where the SR version doesn't ? GTRS's are like this and they do it because they want the pumping capacity of a certain sized compressor and at the same time a turbine housing size that doesn't make the turbo laggy initially . Usually in this situation the compressor tries to pump more air at than the engine is capable of swallowing at lowish revs and so you get the pressure fluctuations and chuffing antics . Hope you got a pot of coffee brewing because this gets a bit involved but once you get your head around it the principle is easy to grasp . When you look at these compressor wheels they have two sets of blades ie the full height ones and the "splitter blades" which aren't quite as tall . In a port shrouded compressor housing the lower or splitter blades - their inducer outer tips - are at the same height as the inner edge of radial slot machined into the housings snout . The full height blades obviously extend up past the radial slot but back to that in a mo . For a moment look at both sets of blades as a separate entity . Go back to the above situation of too much air being pumped into an engine at low load/revs . You get an air pressure differential between the outer faces of the lower splitter blades and the higher full height blades . The pressure becomes slightly higher in front of the lower blades faces and because the full height ones are effectively sweeping over the surge slot there is somewhere else for some of the air that the full height blades are attempting to pump - out through the surge slot and back through the housings jelly bean shaped ports . Look at it as having optional use of half the blades and nullifying them when their capacity cant be used . Of course when the engine revs get higher and the surge threshold drops away the pressure differential goes with it and the full height blades are free to pump as much as the wheel speed allows . There is another bonus in all this , while half the blades are sort of unloaded the drive requirement of the wheel is less so a bit more of the turbines shaft power is available to accelerate the compressor wheel . So what this port shrouding does is make the compressor less wheel speed sensitive and the turbo better able to cope with a wider range of airflow requirements . A good example is being able to run a turbo like say a GT3076R with its smallest turbine housing size and not have its potentially 540 Hp worth of air capacity surge . A better example is when people run this turbo in HKS guise with their smallest 0.61 A/R turbine housing . They come on early and the ported comp cover keeps the compressor out of the surge range . Another is the smallest optional 0.61 turbine housing on HKS's version of the T04Z , ported comp cover allows you to get away with running a small turbine end on a small motor because I'm sure theres someone somewhere that'd try to run one on a CA18 ... Anyway back to GT3037 52T's and RB25's , It's a hard one to guess if this combination would surge with the Garrett GT30 0.82 turbine housing . Gut feeling is that the slightly smaller trim compressor is pumping a little less air than the 56T wheel and the middle sized 0.82 A/R turbine housing would not be trying to get the turbine happening as quickly as the 0.63 housing . People at GCG tell me its not easy to modify the 3076R's comp housing because the 56T wheel is larger at the inducer and the tip height a little wider than the 52T one . It should be possible to dredge up a T04E non ported housing that was intended for a smaller than 52T "E" wheel , with a lower tip height and profile it to suit the GT37 52T wheel . In a perfect world Garrett would sell us the 700177-5006 cartridge and the same comp housing as HKS got on their ported 3037S 52T , it is a Garrett housing after all . BTW that "S" is the ported housing 3037 version . 56T versions are 480 and 470 PS . Just as a little additional info HKS rate the 3037 52T at 440 PS and the 3037S 52T at 450 PS , at the same time they aim you towards having the 0.61/0.73/0.87 A/R turbine housing options on the plain version and the 1.01 or 1.12 A/R housings on the S or ported comp cover version . So AFAIK the ported 52T turbos Pn is 700382-5010 and the plain snout one 700382-0009 , cartridge Pn as mentioned is 700177-6 . Happy snaps anyone , cheers Adrian .
  13. For the dyno tuners I have a graph I'd like your opinion on . Its an old one of a warmed ove Nissan SR20 , headwork/cams/good header/ext gate and HKS GT3037 52T with 0.73 A/R turbine housing . I'm interested to know if such a turbo in a larger 0.82 A/R turbine housing would be responsive and not too shabby on an R33 RB25DET . The above SR was claimed to get that turbo going at ~ 2600 revs and pump 10 lbs of boost at 3600 rpm . I know its impossible to make a direct comparison of an SR20 and an RB25 but my guesstimate is that the larger 82 turbine housing and the bigger capacity RB25 might just put everything where you want it turbo operating range over the engines rev range . If it were possible to drag an 82 3076R's wake up revs say 300 hundred + revs down from where they normally start it puts it into the Hi Flow territory but with greater potential than them . I can't and I don't think many could use all that a 3076R is capable of so having a compressor that is closer to a 300 WKw ceiling should make a better overall match than one that may do 320 . Crystal balls ? Cheers Adrian .
  14. I dread to think what that er collection would weigh let alone how it would fit in an engine bay - sheesh . Firstly WRX turbos are designed to work on a 2L four with a badly screwed up firing order in relation to the exhaust headers layout . The boxershi - er pistons motor fires the adjacent cylinders in each bank before going to the other bank and because the headers go two into one just down stream of each head the exhaust pulsing is all wrong . This is why Rexes make that stupid off cadence "Boxer Burble" especially when Roger Racer pinches the stink pipe off thye side of the house and makes a automotive farter out of it ... People here are getting 300 Kw out of a GT3076R on - wait for it - the factory RB25 exhaust manifold . I don't agree with the less torque / "spool" with the GTR inlet system . What they do is let pressure rise very quickly in the cylinders when you bang them open and if there is enough fuel hosed it to keep the AFR's about right then theres a bit more exhaust being produced to help drive the turbo/s into boost . Throttle response and turbine response are not the same thing but they can be better match with a bit of thought put into it . I find it hard to be objective about the drift world and I wouldn't waste a Skyline or an RB doing it . Better I think with an AE86 Sprinter or even an old T18 because they are lighter in the bum as well as overall , sort of narrow track to wheelbase ratio and maybe better to steer with the throttle . I'm sure 6Boost will take your money if you want him to but I reckon it's good money after bad . Start again , cheers A .
  15. I believe what Turbonetics call the "Stage 5" turbine is a Garrett T350 and its a little smaller in diameter than the T04 series turbine . I think "Stage" 1/2/3 are TB31 turbines . Garrett initially teamed that "R" compressor , which is a T series BTW not a later GT series wheel , with their T04 turbine for the HKS spec T04R turbo and the turbine was cropped a little on the leading edges for a little less restriction . In time it grew a modified large frame all bearing center section (pinched from the BB T51R) and became the T04Z or BB T04R effectively . HKS uses their custom optimized turbine and compressor housings on the same cartridge as the Garrett marketed T04Z . I don't know about this point in time but a T04Z through Garrett was initially quite cheap - for a large frame BB turbo - so I'd ask about those first . Garrett also do a T04/60-1 BB unit that looks exactly the same as their T04Z and the only difference is the 60-1 compressor wheel . For the money your talking about I doubt you'll get any technical excellence unless someone is virtually giving it away second hand . Maybe you are better off looking for a bolt on plain bearing Hi Flow that actually works . At least that way you aren't spending bucket loads fitting some bitzer thing and having to revert back if it doesn't work . Removing and replacing turbos is not fun and if you pull it back off and go inside it to change things you've spent modern turbo money . Can't often do it on the cheap , cheers Adrian .
  16. This is a good example of why Garrets and HKS's turbo description systems fall down , the figures given are not always exacting probably in the interests of simplicity . Specific to the GT3037 and GT3076R turbo group . Firstly to HKS , in long figure form it probably should have been called GT30GT37 because what they mean is a GT30 turbine with a GT37 compressor , the only real differences in the HKS marketed GT3037's is the compressor trim and since they are all GT37 compressors the same handle applies . The Garrett system is slightly different because their terminology - GT3076R - means GT30 turbine with 76mm OD compressor . If all they used was "76"mm OD GT37 compressor wheels there wouldn't be a problem but they don't do they ... For reasons known best to themselves they market "GT3076R's" with an earlier tech T series compressor - the one with the higher blade count ie 7/7 rather than 6/6 . Full height blades/splitter blades . What it comes down to in the end is the part numbers on the turbos ID tag . Mostly but not always they have a cartridge or CHRA number and for a GT30 turbine based ball bearing one it will be 700177 series . The prefix or dash (- xxxx) after the 700177 tells you precisely the compressor wheel options and any mods to the turbine itself ie cropping or grinding down from 60mm to 56.6 . 700177-7 or -5007 is the CHRA number for the real or all GT wheel spec GT3037/GT3076R in 56 comp trim . Basically if it doesn't say -5 or -6 or -7 (5005 5006 5007) it hasn't got the GT37 compressor on it . If you wants what I call the real GT3037 or GT3076R then it has to have a GT series compressor to be a matching set with the GT series turbine . I look at it like this , GT compressor for GT turbine and T series compressor for T series turbine . Left shoe for left foot and so on . At the end of the day the only thing that's significantly different between a GT3037S 56T and a real GT3076R is the turbine housing , a HKS one on the 3037 and a Garrett one on the 3076R . True the HKS has the bell mouthed insert in the comp cover but I think that's of little consequence unless you are running these turbos to the absolute limit and getting every last 1% out of them - with the largest proper respective turbine housing available . Cheers A .
  17. My opinion only , if the price is the same and there is no real disadvantage , the 740's leave more possibilities open . The Nismo 740 is a single pintle injector with a four hole wafer in front of it so the spray pattern is supposed to be very good for an injector that's twice the size of the std 370's . To me going this way means you have the capacity to make high power outputs with all of the rest of the fuel system running in factory type regulation - provided the fuel pump can keep up . Won't need adjustable FPR's and it can all look factory standard . I think the real question is can the engine management system run largish injectors and have fine control of them . I think it was Sk that told me the computer has to have a fair amount of processing power to have fast accurate control of injectors particularly at light loads and lowish revs - normal round the burbs stuff . People say PFC's cope fine with them . I bought 555's and then 740's because I got interested in the possibilities of E85 - still in their boxes . Cheers A .
  18. Just about to call you , hopefully talk this afternoon . BTW I followed a link from an SR site to a HKS Japan site and this is what they say about their 3037 52T kit for S15 Silvias inc supposed dyno graph . Now I know an S15 SR20DET is very different from an R33 RB25 and my guess is that an unopened late SR20 would be in a pretty soft state of tune . Can anyone who reads Japanese tell me whats been done to it please . http://www.hks-power.co.jp/products/turbo/...waste_gtsp.html Cheers A .
  19. No a GT3071R has a GT30 turbine (normal or cropped) with a 71.1mm 56T compressor wheel . A GT3037S is a HKS marketed GT3076R having a GT30 turbine and a 76.2mm GT compressor , "S" in HKS's case means with the port shrouded compressor housing . The plain inlet snout ones are just called 3037 or GT3037 . Doesn't matter anyway because that turbo in the above link is the wrong comp wheel style so no good . Got the spies looking for either the right turbo or at least the right cartridge which appears to be available . A .
  20. LOL I wasn't going to buy that thing I was just pointing out the 52T compressor which is not too common . If it is the 6/12 bladed GT37 compressor then its a turbine and housings short of a GT3037 52T . Cheers A .
  21. I found this by pure chance and it has some usual features . http://www.nzperformance.co.nz/store/garre...r/prod_189.html I'm not sure which comp wheel this one has but will look around , Brett says that one of them uses the 76.2mm 52 trim GT37 compressor - same as the 3037 52T . Possibilities in altered form , cheers A .
  22. Tangles did you get the cartridge number off that turbo ? I can see that they've made a new snout tube for the comp cover - it's longer than std and that would be an easy way to get around the shorter Garrett BB cartridge between the Hitachi style housings . I stuffed up slightly at GCG today and forgot to ask about comparing the replacement housing with my VG30's 0P6 one . They're just removing mines T housing so I can get a better idea of if there's any point in trying to improve it . In my dark bastard hybrid days many years ago I had a loose 0P6 housing and it did look like it had a fair bit wider volute passage than the 20's and 25's . I really need to see the aftermarket one to see if it's larger internally again because if it is and the internals are well formed then it may have its uses . One area that it looks better in the pics is where the waste gates valve seats , possibly a bit more scope to use an appropriate sized valve for the Hi Flows increased exhaust gas throughput . I don't suppose anyone's used the AVO T housing with a 2835/cropped GT3071R type cartridge ? Cheers A .
  23. That did occur to me but I remember seeing one (or one like it as a few mobs inc GCG sell that kind of thing) a few years back and for some reason wasn't overly impressed . I think the passage inside the thing looked strange through the waste gates hole for some reason . I been searching for more pics of those housings but all I've seen is AVO pics . I should be in GCGs area in the near future so I'll try and compare my VG30 0P6 housing with their alternative one . Cheers A .
  24. I have to find a little more out about the extrude hone process and if it's likely to damage the gates hole or the flap and hinge pin assembly . It may be easier to clean up the volute passage by more conventional methods - just depends how far it's possible to get at everything inside a bare OP6 housing . I also want to explore slightly larger waste gate flat valves , it's probably going to mean using a physically larger actuator assembly so that the spring and diaphragm work accurately and don't get overwhelmed by the greater valve pressure area . All compromises but hey necessity is the mother of invention and I like a challenge . I will speak to Brett about alternative turbines and maybe compressors but that's difficult because he understandably doesn't want to give too much away and I can't blame him . Developing these things costs money and time . Cheers A .
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