my friend bought his car about 8 months ago it is a 1995 R33 GTSt S1.5 , he bought it from a place that repairs/services cars..
Anyway lets get to the point, when he bought it he had thought the car was a cut'n'shut or just wacked from the back but the engine bay was resprayed too! so it didnt make sense to him. the car drove straight and all.
he changed his radio to a JVC item from the stock tape cassete from nissan, when he was changing it he found a NSW sticker on the radio expander thingo..
so that confused him too... the car had no rego, the dealer set him up with the rego for 12months.. the car had runs all over the paint work and the dealer said ahh i dont know we didnt do this we bought it like that.. he forgot to ask who he bought it off!!! GRRR!
OK, cut this story down he smashed his car and now its considerd as a ride off.. some bloke wacked into the passenger side of him with a 4x4 and bent the subframe etc in half.. lukyly he is allive and well... the car has NOW been proven that it has been a damaged car before.. and buy the looks of it the car was hit in the same spoty and the REAR too... so previously this was was 100% repaired.. maybe even a cut and shut.
NOW HE IS THINKING CAN HE TAKE THE DEALER TO COURT FOR SELLING HIMA FAULTY CAR ? how would the dealer say he doesnt know if it has been repsrayed when the car had runs/diffirnt wing/boot resprayed allong with the wing.. doortrim not screwerd on etc...
im just trying to give my mate some advice since the dude in the 4x4 drove off leaving my friend in the car... someother bloke came allong and helped him out etc...