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Everything posted by Brick

  1. Interested depending on dates.
  2. I think Jetwreck can do it. He gas around 270kw
  3. Spotted a yellow c34 at 3pm heading north on the pacific hwy near taree
  4. Yep I'm in. Once you have it worked out tell me what I owe you.
  5. I need new blades also. If you can work it out and how much I could be keen to get involved and save on some postage
  6. Just spotted a m35 stagea on the Japan tsunami show on 7two right now
  7. Eastern creek is something I want to do sometime, but pretty sure it would be the end of my turbo.
  8. Mate awesome news. Ginza are dodgy and don't deserve anyone's money. So jealous of your new ride
  9. your car truely is perfect. Well other then it aint black What you have done is exactly what i want to do to mine even the same wheels. I hadnt thought about painting the inside of the lights black but yeah that is sexy and i might have to consider doing the same to mine. Good luck with the sale some lucky bugger is going to score with this.
  10. that being said even if you were to forfeit the $1000 the mods in this way way way out weigh the money you would be loosing. I wish this was available when i was buying mine.
  11. ring him and tell him if he doesnt return your deposit you will dob him into the authorities for complience issues. ie not changing tyres until you called him out on it. Im sure he will not want that coming down on him.
  12. Yes you should! That is sex! And a crazy crazy good buy
  13. In regards to the window issue. I had the same when I first got it and shortly after I burned out the window motor. And have also found a dew others with the same issue. You need to reset the window motor position settings. When you take the door skin off, right about the middle of the motor there is a black round sticker. Behind that sticker is a small button. I can't remember exactly what order to do it but it's something like hold it down while putting the window up to full and then releasing it. But don't quote me on that. Just play around a but and eventually you will get it sorted. Hope that sorts atleast one problem for you. Good luck with the stalling issue mate
  14. Yep I will admit it was hard to keep quiet all week. Haha. Might be worth offering them the same money for one of there $599 buy now ones. You never know you could get a win
  15. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=350738392149
  16. It was on eBay. Same seller that has them up for $599 buy now. They had one up starting price of 399 with a buy now of 599. I was just lucky to be the only bidder.
  17. Emanage will have to wait till turbo dies. That is the next step
  18. Sounds awesome has a bit more poke but yeah there is a sound that I think is either the turbo dying or the blow off valve. Gotta take Craig for a drive sometime and see what he thinks. On a plus wife I picked up a new hdi front mount kit for $399 all I can say is winning
  19. Scotty's do pipe fitted. Scotty's front pipe fitted. Scotty's boost actuator fitted. Didn't get around to the coolant mod fitment just yet. Almost go the whole Scotty catalog now. Oh yeah Craig (Jetwreck) now hates my car. Haha. Thanks for doing the wrenching mate.
  20. Ahh man I had this crap with them also. Ended up taking almost 3 weeks for me. Hope it's faster for you.
  21. I would have except it's Easter weekend so I will be away
  22. Haha yeah I do about 700km a week around Sydney and have been spotted once so I know how you feel
  23. They sure do. I have it on my car with them. This is the best money you will ever spend if you get a smashed window on one of these cars
  24. they need to be australian approved tyres or you technically could have insurance void etc. What he done for me after i called him out on it was he through me $500 towards what ever tyres i wanted. but it did take some fighting to get that out of him.
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