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About brentos_mentos

  • Birthday 19/11/1992

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  • Location
    Adelaide Hills

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  • Car(s)
    2003 Nissan Skyline V35 6MT
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  1. SSR Vienna Noble.
  2. Swaps for a freshly imported, low km, manual V35 with cash your way? But seriously, this is ridiculously cheap! Glws George!
  3. Because it's Friday night and I'm bored at home. Sorry for shitty pics, they're off my phone.
  4. Might help if you posted what state you're in or talking about mate.
  5. It's on the list to do..
  6. Close to, different grille and my license plate has a V at the start. Yes and no. That was already on there, I didn't change or add that. It was like that when I bought the car.
  7. Eyy! There ya go! 4/4
  8. 3 of 4. Still missing one.
  9. Thanks! That's 1 of 4 correct.
  10. Also probably should've said, I FINALLY got around to collecting my new plates..
  11. Anyone want to play spot the difference?
  12. I'm not hugely cluey when it comes to this sort of stuff (still elarning) but one thing that comes to mind is maybe your previous transmission had a shift kit in it and the one you swapped into it doesn't. I know a lot of people with autos seem to do it as it's a good bang for buck upgrade. Just a thought.
  13. Never even thought of that as this is the first car I've had with built in reflectors. Not too sure on the legality of that.
  14. Tinting taillights is legal yes. I believe your brake lights just need to still be visable from a certain distance away so providing they're not too dark they would be fine. I can not however confirm or deny whether the 20% or 35% are legal. As for having more cop attention, someone on the fb group I also posted this to said he's been running tinted taillights for over 3 years and has never had an issue with cops. Don't drive like a dick and you would be fine I would imagine.
  15. Hey Charlie, not a clue on a black sedan sorry. In the link both 20% and 35% are available for all the taillight tints.
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