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Everything posted by Jswljones

  1. I've been looking, if you see one post the link or PM i have a guy that I order through, thanks!
  2. K I think I got this figured out for the our cars but I rather just buy a harness from someone then re-pin one, dose anyone make one for me or know where I can get one??
  3. Bumping this thread from the dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about a cliff hanger!!!! Anyone have a US Part number for this hood shock???
  4. I already have the Navara conversion done I was checking everything out and doing a tranny flush when I noticed that my speedo cable was sheered off. Thanks for the info I'm talking to someone for a cable now. Still looking for the other parts, I was hoping just to get it from a single car in one package but it seems like I'm just getting one part at a time. I really wish we had these cars here where I can just go to a pick a part and get everything at once. Save myself some money as well...
  5. Im in the US man... hard time getting anything for these cars, even my JDM guys here havent even heard of this car.... Dose anyone have a part number????
  6. I need some parts, check out my thread and let me know! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/406514-wtb-alot-of-stuff/
  7. Ok revising my list: A/c lines Sun Sensor and A/C vents trim (as shown in post above) Speedo Cable S13 Digital Climate Control Conversion harness Let me know if you got em'
  8. DAISU- That link for the repin site is down can you or someone else rehost the info? I just got a DCC and trying to do this conversion... PMing you as well!
  9. Do you still have the A/C stuff? If so send me a pic of the lines! Also you don't have a speedo cable do you?
  10. Nice!! can't wait to see more! Glad everything worked out!
  11. PM'd you i hope you can part with some parts! If not free bump for you!!
  12. remember to take pictures! hope that solves your problem, good luck!
  13. shouldn't s13/ r32 ones fit?
  14. I don't have HICAS but I know a R32 rack is a direct replacement. Already have a spare R32 GTS-T at my shop now.
  15. All I know about this car is that it's the same model out here as our M45, great cars! Almost bought one twice but ended up with a Y50 and F50 those times. If I remember correctly some S14/S15/GTR suspension parts are interchangeable with modification but you might want to double check on that. Here is an example: http://www.vipstylecars.com/forums/showthread.php?28380-Parts-Shop-MAX-VIPspec-Y34-Coilovers-In-stock-Quote-and-Order-directly-in-thread! Power wise i'm not gonna be able to help you since we only got the V8 versions out here in the US. Good luck and post some pics!!!!
  16. Wow thanks for the reply! i'll take any parts that you have! Regarding the sun-visor on the being interchangeable with the J30 Maxima that unfortunately isn't correct well atleast with our models here. I actually was at the junk yard a few weeks ago and went through various models of different years trying to see what would work. Here is a pic of what the J30 looks like: Maybe your guys version is different than ours. As far as the sun sensors the rest of the parts I'll take anything you have. I just won an auction for a pair of front window switches off yahoo.jp the other night so I actually have a extra driver side switch if you need one coming to me if you need one. Actually my car came with an extra drivers switch already so I will have 2 so I don't mid letting one go and having a back up. for the windows, I've been playing with how to rebuild the window motors on the regulators like they do on the z33's so once i get my switch in i'll see how it goes. I have the extra magnets already. I pays to hit up the junkyards, if this mod works then I'll be able to refurbish the motor basically for free. I'll do a write up on it and post it when the time comes. Here is a picture of the other vent parts that I'm missing so that you have a better idea of what I'm talking about: It's the a/c vents trims and the sun sensor that I'm talking about. But what I'm really looking need ASAP is A/C lines from the compressor to the condenser and the firewall. Hope the pictures help clear things up! Let me know!
  17. Keep your head up man, you'll feel better when she's all done. if I were local to you I would love to lend a hand. Take some pictures of how she sits now I would love to see progress from this point on! it'll show that you just came back and fought harder to get her done in the end!! Keep Going!!
  18. yeah i just talked to a auto dismantler there and he seems to be giving me the run around. I can't even get him to give me a quote on shipping a door for me to the US. he wants me to call him and I have but no one seems to give me a straight answer or the damn quote! Also i have registered on the site but won't let me confirm the account just tell me opps! something is wrong! I have emailed the company but haven't heard back yet.... DRAMA.... I just want my windows and a/c to work at this point...
  19. Also I'm trying to join the Trademe.NZ website and it's not letting me become a member, I found a few things i want on there but even if i do get on there and mange to email them i have to hope that they take paypal or find a dealer or something... so much work... things i do for this car... LOL!
  20. Great build man, sorry to hear about what happened to your car!
  21. My guy at Nissan has looked into getting parts from Japan but they are slow to respond, no one here has any experience with this car at all so even looking for the part numbers are a little tricky and then translating it might be the problem but I have been told that most parts are not available new from Nissan japan anymore. I'll double check again but if anyone just has these parts laying around I just need them to work I can refurbish them myself. As far as getting this car legalized here I bought it like this with all the paperwork done and had it verified again before i paid for it. This car was done about 3 years ago before the laws got tighter. I have an idea on how it was done and I'm just not gonna ask the questions. This my my 4th JDM car, you just gotta know the paperwork and what to look for.
  22. kool i got an extra masters switch also so don't need that just the passengers, so let me know when you get a chance Thanks man!
  23. Haha thanks man, how about a front passenger window switch?
  24. http://www.skylinesa...sup-from-socal/ If you have any stock a/c lines let me know, I need them bad!
  25. LOL yeah I'm in the US and they are everywhere here, I'm actually just gonna make my own so they can sit lower since I'm 6'7, not that hard to make. I have a set from a friend but just haven't gotten around to mocking them up yet. The stock seat are pretty comfy so far so they are just on the back burner while I take care of the other things on my list. Thanks for the look out anyway!
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