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    R32 GTS25+T
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  1. Difference between pin 45 from ign and the 49 from the relay is about 0.5V. So If I changed it around the ECU would be about 0.20V diff than the battery.
  2. Hi With the way the ECU power is setup, the voltage difference is about 0.70v on my car. Most aftermarket ECU's only need power on pin 45 unlike the stock system which takes power from the ign to pin 45, then gnd's pin 16 for the 2x relays to kick in and then feed power into pins 49/59. Has anyone rewired the relays so that they feed power into pin 45, which would mean the ECU voltage and injector voltage should be the same for better tuning? This would involve switching the relays from gnd to 12v switched and then use a feed from the relay into pin 45.
  3. Thanks. I found your post https://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/482872-r32-gtr-gts4-largely-gtst-wiring-diagram-scans
  4. Hi My google foo is weak, would anyone have the pinouts/wiring diagram for the 3x white plugs by the ECU. 2x 12p and 1x16p Thanks
  5. Looks like its an m10 thread. Does anyone have a block they could measure the surface area around the knock sensor? The donut according to Plex needs 22mm of surface area to contact. I know on some cars, people just drill out the bosch from m8 to m10. Wonder if it can be done on an RB. The JZ have an adapter stud, but they are m12.
  6. Hi How has everyone with aftermarket ecu's mounted their bosch donut knock sensors? Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks, that is where I'm stuck. Easy enough to get speed to the ECU, but its getting it to the cluster as stock it would go from gearbox to cluster to ecu.
  8. Hi For those that have done a cd009 conversion in the r32, how have you got the speedo working on the cluster? Thanks
  9. Managed to find some abs hubs, you can see the hole for the sensor sits on the inside.
  10. I'm just toying with the idea as the ECU can do it. Most likely playing with it on track or street. Maybe 2 front sensors then and the VSS
  11. I'll have to look that up in my MaxxECU. I'm just using the gearbox for driven wheel speed.
  12. Perfect, this what I was after. Did you just use an R32 abs ring and grind every second tooth down? I looked into g sensors and gps, but a lot of people say they react too slow, however it must work some how for the AWD guys that have no option of a non driven wheel speed sensor.
  13. Something along the lines of a Motec hall sensor. https://www.motec.com.au/ac-sn-crankcamspeed/sn-crankcamspeed-hs/ Not sure there is much room to mount one look at the back of the studs the way the knuckle is. I need to look at it on the car. That should be more help to anyone else that looks at this post.
  14. Has anyone fitted a wheel speed sensor to a rwd R32? I'd like to add traction control from my ecu and need a non driven wheel speed sensor. Ive tried to find some abs front hubs and changing the sensor but having no luck
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