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Everything posted by mjtown

  1. Awesome clip. What an amazing car I love the handshake from Nismo's driver - "enjoy!"
  2. So there you go - no functional difference between the V-Spec ATESSA and the standard ATESSA! Sorry to disappoint anyone!
  3. And I received this response: February 8, 2013 Dear Mr. Michael Townsend: Thank you again for your email dated February 6, 2013, concerning your Nissan Skyline R32 GT-R V-spec. Regarding the function of ATESSA, there is no difference between R32 GT-R V-spec and standard R32 GT-R. The reason why two different parts are used is because the diameters of tires for R32 GT-R V-spec and standard R32 GT-R are different. Also, please refer to the attached information though all the information is written in Japanese. We hope the information will be useful for you. Sincerely yours, Chikako TAGUCHI Customer Communication Center
  4. Righto... I sent an email to Japan: Dear Chikako, Thank you very much for your letter dated 22 November 2012 (copy attached here), and thank you very much for all of the technical information that you included. It will be very helpful for correct maintenance of my R32 GT-R V-spec. I hope that you are happy for me to respond by email? I can send another letter if you would prefer. In your letter you confirmed the special specifications of the R32 GT-R V-spec and you also noted that there is no difference in the specification of the ATESSA system in the R32 GT-R V-Spec and the standard R32 GT-R. I understand that the mechanical components of the ATESSA system are the same for the V-Spec and the standard model, but I wonder whether the V-spec control module has a different function? I have had assistance to use Nissan FAST software to investigate the part number for the ATESSA E-TS control module and I have found that there are two part numbers for the R32 series: 4785012U00 - R32 GT-R ATESSA E-TS control module (V-spec) 4785005U00 - R32 GT-R ATESSA E-TS control module I have inspected the unit in the boot of my V-spec and I can confirm that it has 4785012U00 installed. Can you please advise whether there is a difference between the function of these two units? Thankyou very much again. Kind regards, Michael Townsend
  5. I will agree that more upfront will always be the best position to come from.
  6. Hi JB4U33, Nice find. If you happen to buy it be sure to add your details to the register of R32 V-Specs at http://www.skylinesa...spec-ii-models/ Hadouken gave you a link to my thread about V-spec vs standard GT-R differences (http://www.skylinesa...s-advice-to-me/) - FYI I'm about to send a follow up letter to Nissan Japan regarding the differences between the ATESSA control module for the V-spec and standard GT-R. Watch that space. Cheers! Mike
  7. With all due respect there's a difference between original specification and original condition.
  8. I think that $550 for an excellent steering wheel is reasonable too. This is a limited edition collectible car and getting it to original spec will only maintain or increase it's value. Why don't you keep the car dude? You've obviously put a bit of work into it. *sorry - repeated post.... not sure what happened there*
  9. I think that $550 for an excellent steering wheel is reasonable too. This is a limited edition collectible car and getting it to original spec will only maintain or increase it's value. Why don't you keep the car dude? You've obviously put a bit of work into it.
  10. I bought my V-Spec for $28k and immediately spent about $2k replacing belts, idlers, tensioners (only a 65,000km engine but 19 year old belts) - so say the car was $30k. During my 100 point inspection it was discovered that the car had previously had accident damage to the front RHS corner. The repairs had been done to such a high quality and workmanlike standard that they were only just able to be detected - and the car still presented as immaculate. The evidence of repair certainly did not affect the value of the car in my eyes and I proceeded with the purchase. I understood that it was a case of 'buyer beware' so I had the car inspected, availed myself of the facts and proceeded on that basis. This is a very similar situation. Buyer beware. If the repairs have been completed to a very high standard then there should be no need to disclose what has previously been attended to. On the other hand, if the engine had been replaced then I would say that that should be declared because the engine and chassis numbers would not correspond to the original records. In this instance the engine was repaired, so again, nothing to declare. Like I said, it is a case of buyer beware - there is no legal obligation to declare previous faults, and if faults have been rectified to the highest standards then there shouldn't be any ethical issues with not declaring those items either. The seller can name their price and leave it to the prospective buyer to undertake any investigations to ascertain whether they deem the car to be of sufficient value that they proceed with the purchase.
  11. Sorry Alex - I got your name wrong Just keep looking out for the wheel - if you're keeping it (and I would) then one will pop up. I'm just sitting tight waiting for a few nice replacement bits to come up for my V-Spec. Wait long enough and they will appear. For example, I've been waiting for almost 6 months for a good original Nismo front strut brace to drift by. A few weeks ago an original powdercoat black one with master cyclinder stopper bobbed up in the SA forums.... about 20 minutes drive from my place. $150. Score.
  12. Hey Shaun, when you pulled the boot lip spoiler and hood lip off, did you replace them with genuine new items for respraying if the old ones were knackered? It looks like the boot lip spoiler has been replaced because the original was rusted out (I can see that it's as lumpy as hell in the boostclassifieds photos). I'd hazard at a guess that the front hood lip was rusted out as well, but then again it looks ok in the boostclassifieds ad. I know that new ones are available via Amayama, but they aren't cheap. I'm just curious to be honest. Obviously use of OEM items would be the 'most proper' way to go, but then again, they would be liable to rust like the originals. Some people just advocate replacing them with plastic reproductions that you stick on, rather than screwing in like the OEM items.
  13. However, it is one of the more collectible models - so the $10k outlay plus the cost of restoring the body and engine get it close enought to it's value in nice condition, and it stands to hold value, or maybe increase (Japanese prices are holding or rising). At the end of the day... what a great project for someone who wants a project, and one of the 'historic' original Nismo cars has been restored rather than trashed and wrecked. I say well done Sir.
  14. Shame it's not stock... but then again it's not too far from stock. No wild bodykits or anything. Nice car. Best of luck mate
  15. But hey, if it has been done well....
  16. What's the carsales link?
  17. Amayama has complete new seats ex-Japan. A snip at $3,650 each http://nissan.epc-data.com/skyline/bnr32/3884-rb26dtt/body/870/ There's not much to be saved by just buying the cushion assembly and back assembly - they're USD$1,650 each anyway: http://nissan.epc-data.com/skyline/bnr32/3884-rb26dtt/body/870/87300M/ http://nissan.epc-data.com/skyline/bnr32/3884-rb26dtt/body/870/87600M/
  18. Here's an indication of the way things may be going: A restored standard 1990 GT-R 2000 km travelled Still with original tyres JPY4,590,000 = AUD48,500 http://translate.goo...uKmga-OrYT5OBiw 1994 V-Spec II - unrestored and unmodified (apart from dealer fitted Mine's instrument cluster) 22,400 km travelled Factory option original Sony 10-disc changer JPY3,800,000 = AUD40,438 http://translate.goo...jeTSA1XB7UcbeVQ 1994 standard GT-R 49,000 km travelled A lot of gadgets in the cockpit and leather seat covers but apparently stock other than that. JPY2,690,000 = AUD28,625 http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http://ucar.autos.yahoo.co.jp/model/nissan/skyline-gtr/CU1072137119/%3Fpage%3D17&usg=ALkJrhiCTkLHuzvx6E0uB4EZzEu7IVv2ig#mnc Not sure how much those would be landed in Australia and then sold on the local market.
  19. Awesome! No price on the listing though It would be great to see it come over here.
  20. I don't think so - the one in that book has an aftermarket rear wing (a black one with a different shape). I'll scan the photo next week at work and put it up here. CORRECTION: It is that car!!! Glenn's old car is on one page, but the follwing pages show what may be a different car with the aftermarket wing. I can't see it's plate. It would be nice to track down the current owner and ask him or her to add the car to this thread.
  21. Out of interest, was the research because you own an N1 or you're looking to own one?
  22. I wonder why that is? I always thought that it would be the other way around.
  23. I popped into Japanese Motorsport here in Adelaide and Tyson identified them as R32 GTS or GTS-T mats. He's a GT-R expert and his observation is that they won't fit the GT-R well because the floor pans are different, hence the different shaped rear centre mat. Oh well, I'll keep on waiting.
  24. Hi mate - that's great info. Cheers! Are you able to let us know any of the references that you've found that indicate the production figures? I'm really hoping to get some of the V-Spec N1's on here. I believe that there is one in South Australia because one with SA plates features in the illustrations in Alex Gorodji's book 'Nissan GT-R: Legendary Performance, Engineering Marvel', which is an excellent read.
  25. Hi all, I'm looking to 'retire' the original factory mats from my R32 V-Spec because they're in pretty good nick and getting hard to replace. I think they're better kept nice for the odd show or display. I would rather replace them with genuine Nissan accessory mats because I've kept the car factory stock and in very nice condition. I don't want to use custom mats, and would only buy the black Nismo ones if I had to. I've found these mats on eBay and don't know if they're accessory mats for the R32 GT-R, accessory mats for the R32 GTS models or originals from the GTS models. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/140904076556?redirect=mobile#ht_500wt_922 Can anyone please help to identify them for me? The text on the badges ("Nissan Genuine Parts") indicates that they are accessory items. Maybe they are universal fit for both GT-R and GTS models? I'm pretty sure that they're not R33 items because that series seemed to have a rectangular plastic heel pad on the driver's mat: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/140803615656?redirect=mobile#ht_1574wt_689 Any help would be great! If they are GT-R accessories then I'm keen and need to get in quickly! Cheers! Mike
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