just de pigying my 32 fixing all the faults and legalising it
if anyone ever has a problem with oil filling there sparkplug galleys in rb##det because of some dead shit thinking gasket goo will do.. ( n i meen fill like submerge ur spark plugs compleatly)
my method was a shit tone of degreaser shove it right in there and sponge it up with a rag and string it out, keep going til its as cleen as u canon all 6 galleys, and then degreaser and compressed air til nic n cleane and leave it to dry i repeted all the prosess 3 times for all 6 galleys that was enoigth, when i was blowing it out i covered up the bay, exterior and window etc completely only exposing the head of the rb, so yeah dont leave ur head covers unsealed corectly for any drastic amount of time guy$ i really made sure it was clean i coukdnt risk and bit going into the bore and seizing it when i change the plugs abd it was just nasty and probly somewhat flamible