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Everything posted by Kor'axis

  1. $120 negotiable
  2. i live in melbourne and the targeting gets pretty bad. i was followed by a copper for about 20 mins. down 2 different major roads, a highway and i turned into a side st to see if they would follow me... they did for a while and then just went away. me and my mates were once pulled over by coppers, it was my mates 89 falcon station wagon, and they asked us if we had been "smoking" or had any explosives and what we were doing that night. i was like wtf! they asked my mate to open his boot and when he did the copper was standing a little too close and copped a hit to the head and said "####" they searched the car inside out, to their suprise they found nuffin... no even a lighter! Next day they got told off and a bit of a slap on the wrist by my mates dad... (he's the a highish ranking officer in Melbourne area.
  3. yeah actually what is that front bar?
  4. no way can it be that cheap!
  5. Kor'axis

    Got Milf?

    LOL! Probably some 45 year old who still can't find a guy coz she's too ugly!
  6. that's all i got the front bar and indicators
  7. Generalisations are bad and this discussion is really pointless...
  8. Frinik good work i like
  9. and those GT25 badges can be bought in australia... i think someone on this site is selling them... or was another bodykit site... (not sure) called ENGINE BADGE i think
  10. yeah i got one... it's this little antena that comes up when you press a button and it's got a little light at the end of it. it's used so you an tell where the front of the car is so you don't bump into anyone. it's MAAAAD :headspin:
  11. you can confirm me definetly for a set! kor
  12. didn't realise they made 93 r32's! thought they finished in 92
  13. i'm in if we can get them by eary next week
  14. Any one got any r33 circular front indicators as found on GTR and 400R body kits... Need them urgently... (i want my damn car back!) or if anyone know where to get some. i've already seen some on unique auto sports but it's too expensive! and X-racing told me to use winkers from a trailer ie $5? Feed back or offer is equally appreciated!! Kor
  15. comes with wiring (there were some wires in tghe boot when i bought it so i assume they are from the stacker)
  16. give me an offer and i will consider it! and no i'm not selling it for $2! ;-)
  17. I think theirs a decent place called aero something on Sunshine Road near Totenham Station 200 and sumfin...
  18. go you good thing!
  19. I read this article and it said that only .86% of road fatalities were caused by excessive speed with inattention being the highest at 46% and drink driving at 12% so really it's hardly high powered car casuing accidents, making the proposed laws ineffective with dealing with road tolls and simply a govt. revenue raising technique. i do live in melb - and we already have power to weight thing going, and P platers can't drive r33 gtst but we CAN drive an r32 gtst and mod it to hat ever power we damn well please oh and we can also have a r33 gts NA and then mount a Vfarken12 under the bonnet and super-turbo charge it - but i still feel for you sydneysiders
  20. will let you know for certain on Tuesday... might have someone else coming with me with their own car (calais)
  21. i think that you should be changing the brakes more power... need more braking power
  22. i had a 16 Bit Mega drive with so many games ALL sonic games ever released... 1, 2 ,3 sonic and knuckles, 3D and sonic spinball! Alex Kid Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter 2, NBA JAM, Italia 90(Fav) some other crappy games... Also N64 and PS
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