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Everything posted by Kor'axis

  1. flat boot... is a great idea. Air boxes. How about some vented rear quarter panels sorta like from for an r 33 like these Rear 1/4 Front Vented
  2. I saw Danny Bohy and the Umbilical Brothers. I suppose it depends on what u liek but i enjoyed Danny better. Although both shows are 5 star
  3. Still need one!
  4. When i view my own public profile it says i've only done some really low number of posts. eg: 2, 6 Probably counts the # of posts/day. thanks
  5. $20 if i good condition as i said on my pm!
  6. thanks for the clear up. I was under the impression that there was a difference in physical size.
  7. for ordinary street driving at what rev range should you change gears at. I usually change at around 3000rpm
  8. then why do people change to z32 afms?
  9. ^bump^
  10. afm if still not sold. u have pm.
  11. As stated in title. s1 NA r33 afm. Drop me a line on 0400423350 -- ask for Davor as sometimes my brother answers the phone
  12. when i was in QLD i saw a guy driving around with clear tail lights. It looked sweet. Is it legal tho. I thought you had to have red reflectors.
  13. well one screw was drillerd out... i have 3 left.
  14. What are the power differences between the s1 and s2. I also heard somewhere that there was a s3 r33
  15. i dunno what's gone wrong i'll open it up again today and see if i can resolder it. There are 5 pins in the plug how many and which ones should be connected it seems that only 4 were connecte in the first place?
  16. i agree, it's not really which mods but more how much $$ for extra kw after you already added some $$ to the mix
  17. Okay i managed to take that shiny black lid off and solder it back up and now my car is idling properly (although it seems a bit high -- 1k) and the car won't rev past 2.5k....
  18. in the end i drilled it out with that dremmel tool... that thing is sweet!
  19. I will try to solder it... as soon as i can remove it. i can't remove it because of a screw on the air box that's turning on the spot and can't be removed. so i can't take the afm off the box....
  20. send pic to koraxis@gmail.com plz
  21. I did a search and found little. But from what i understand people are putting the larger diameter z32 (80mm??) in their cars. i need an afm for my car now and am not sure whether they are interchangable between models. I know you can put a r32 afm into a r33 s1. I have an r33 s1 NA does it matter whether the afm came from a turbo skyline or not, but if i decided to put in the larger z32 afm, how would that be able to fit into the pipe to the engine if it is larger? thanks
  22. A screw that holds the standard air box in place won't come out. It just spins in the same spot! any idea how to get it out? i've tried pliers, wrenches.... screw drivers.... Dad wants to use a drill.... i dunno tho.... dad gets a little drill happy sometimes...
  23. It's the actual pins inside the AFM that broke... it actually looks like they were already soldered together b4 this. I as yet haven't attempted to solder them together.
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