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Everything posted by malcolm

  1. Hi there I believe that the first use of the the term GTX was in the 1968 KGC-10 2000 GT-X COUPE & SEDAN carrying the L20-E S6 and in 1972 in the KGC- 110 2000 GT-X COUPE & SEDAN, also ordered from factory in the WAGON if the sporty L20-E S6 was your thing. Then apart from the mention i have with I.D. plates & paperwork in prototype terms it wasnt officially adopted again in a production car until the R34 25L GT-X in 1998. Interesting how a name or signature goes away then comes back. As with PROTO that appears both on plates and in paperwork i have: PROTO GT-X 1 2500R, not used and then adopted by the PROTO GT-R only to be dropped again along with the signature SKYLINE in favour of simply the new R35 GT-R. How are we eve expected to keep up with all the models that are released !! - you can start to imagine how hard it is to find out about the "stepping stones" "prototypes" "developmental ideas" that are integral in the shaping of progress yet moved on from quickly by necessity "rarely" to be stumbled upon for long enough to be dually credited. Though they do exist like the guy in Queensland who's got a Ford Falcon XC Bathurst Cobra prototype. 1 of not many 4 i think. You never know !! Cheers malcolm
  2. Hi there Thankou for your post - youre right !! "it is worth loving & it is real nice" It is a genuine nismo prototype car. Need to careful using the words "genuine" and "prototype" in the same sentence like i just did. As pointed out above a greddy plenum can be used as a "genuine prototype" part in the development of an idea. Though a greddy plenum could not be used in a demo car or production car and be called genuine. Though you might remember that for a while HONDA & ROVER (INTEGRA & VITESSE) as well as MAZDA & FORD (323 & LASER) were rebadging exactly the same cars & parts and calling them their own. A huge patent issue for the developer of the original prototype parts but with it a bigger slice of the profits is give by the non contributing party. Once a production car is pulled from the production line for development purposes it from that moment becomes a prototype in its own right. Prototypes are the ONLY reason that things get developed and evolve. To get from the KPGC-10 GT-R to the R35 GT-R didnt just take 40 years it took thousands & thousands of prototype parts and cars. Developing & changing constantly between models is the prototype part & car. Now the main reason my car will be worth what its going to be worth is: A - itll have to be as mint as it is today along with its genuine reason to be unlike its contemporaries & B - with that in mind "what someone is willing to pay for it" , which doesnt interest me at all, as if i dont keep it forever id be just as likely to give it to someone if i thought they appreciated it enough If it wasnt for prototypes we'd all still be driving Model T Fords. Cheers malcolm
  3. Hi there Thanks for your post. Noones more surprised than me about people getting carried away. If you dont think that any "manufacturer" or "engineer" isnt going to sometimes initially try some part thats close to the "idea" in order to get a "feel" for it or "not" before "enormous" tooling & set up costs are undertaken then please think again. If any manufacturer or fabricator or machinist or engineer is worth their salt at all while developing an idea the first places theyll head is to a "Blackwoods" directory a hardware or their own tool shop or garage. No value has been lost on the build, as it never went to production no final production parts were made, just scheduled prototype parts. The Oxford Dictionary meaning for "PROTOTYPE" - "a first or preliminary model of something, esp a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied" "a typical example of something" "a building, vehicle or other object that acts as a pattern for a full scale model" It is 100% justified & legal & a normal practice to use any existing part from any source whatsoever as a "prototype" during the development of a particular part. It would not have been an unusual practice for instance for an off the shelf "plenum" to be bought as something to "copy" & "test" & "alter" as an initial "prototype" part for development. Remember the "whole car" was designated a "prototype" therefore meaning that if all it had on it were genuine parts it would be beyond being a prototype closer to what they call a "demo car" which would rightly being carrying parts that had been fully developed and ready for "demonstration", or while a prototype car can still be called a demo car it really isnt until its prototype parts have been finalised, patented & manufactured. Hope that clears some of it up Cheers malcolm
  4. Hi there Youd have to be quick !! Cheers malcolm
  5. HI there NICE ONE !! :) or perhaps "BETTY" in keeping in line with "GLORIA" "SILVIA" & "CEDRIC" !! Cheers malcolm
  6. Hi there No no false claims nor unjustified policies. Insurance is a risk to both both insurance broker & policy holder & no insurance broker is going to insure something for more than that risk dictates. As i mentioned previously with what was attached to it and what was inside, i know where it had been. It most certainly was a GTS25t when it left the assembly line, got chosen for some development, had one set of ideas thrown at it, like thousands of development ideas in car manufacture it wasnt pursued, i dont think some people fully understand what kinds of development & testing & experimenting goes on in the evolution from model to model, a car manufacturer isnt going to build a whole new car to test out some ideas, theyll take a car from the production line give it to the development dept. to apply the ideas to, its always happened like that & always will. It most certainly is still the same GTS25t but for development purposes got to be altered in order to fulfill its role. Now i know for a fact when something is altered it ceases to be what it once was, therefore being different to other things that werent. Its monetry value is of no importance to me at all. Its insured value (as Duncan has suggested) must dictate its replacement value in consideration of all anomalies. Cheers malcolm
  7. Hi there - Sounds good ! - PM sent !
  8. Hi Ben With the info. i have in hand to date its a nismo demo car. Every number correlates and matches between car & paperwork. Two of the nismo I.D. plates attached to the car that are the most "telling" ive never shown anyone or disclosed their location - might have to now i guess!! Some of the guys got a bit carried away with "visionary" - does sound a bit wierd !! I am satisfied (& im a fussy you know what) that ive precisely followed the info. The very first question i had to answer was why so little had been achieved in comparison to what had been noted as pending ? - it was suggested being an accountable commodity it was after being shelved refitted with its orig. parts and entered the market place still having attached to it & in it evidence from its journey. No dealer anywhere is going to remove build plates from a car thats clearly going to add appeal to its sale. It still had a jap. battery in it & the orig. factory brand that could though i doubt be the factory fitted one - so no one would have ever found the items up there behind the boot lining behind the back seat. At present its comprehensively insured at an "agreed" sum many times that of the value of a tidy GTST - & as far as TWEEK is concerned its the "BEST IN SHOW" which should make its insured value the highest in the country !? - if he's right that is. Cheers malcolm
  9. Hi there Paul The above response to your original comment is not to be taken seriously. I was simply pointing out how easy it is to say anything or something on here. Just thought id "match" your quote and "have a light hearted dig." - your speciman id say easy up to 55K & thats with no special history that would add to it ! I completely agree with you as far as authenticity - putting an HDT sticker on the back of your mums lime green Sunbird Hatchback does not turn it into an SLR5000 ! We're talking about something quite different here as i pointed out in my PM to you. No Skyline in Australia will ever be worth the kind of money that the Phase 3's command. I fully appreciate your thoughts are based on what information you believe in at hand to date. Which i fully respect as faith in anything is bound by criteria that is personal to the individual making the decision. We all need to be true to our own beliefs. No different to me fully appreciating AdamsR33 who has made his decision based on his own personal criteria on information at hand to date. This is not to say that either of you if presented with differing information in hand to date that changed your current view would be bound by being true to your own beliefs and review your appraisal accordingly. It would be interesting to know for example both yours and adams 2 answers based on having that authenticity "credited" & "discredited" as youve both come up with hugely differing results while both working with exactly the same information at hand to date - very interesting indeed ! I personally believe in what i have believed in all along which has NOTHING to do with monetary value as ill NEVER recover the money i have spent on it from a sale of even $80K or more. Look forward to seeing you soon at perhaps your tune day or the charity drive for a chat ! - got any other hobbies !? :) Cheers malcolm
  10. Hi there Thanks - Yeah i know i pretty much expected something of the sort !! As its not non genuine i should as an gesture of goodwill offer up my "flux capacitor" to help make up the numbers Cheers malcolm
  11. Hi there ! Thankyou for your reply - Oh !! id never let any of this get to me whatsoever ! - i just give it back when i know its due - im not the kind to start it but will sit back observe take note and jump in if i feel its deserved - the car in question is registered and insured in my posession & parked in my driveway - thats all i need to know Cheers malcolm
  12. ... so still up at 0438 eh ! mmm !? - is that "warming up" for a biggy or warming down from a biggy ?? MANY HAPPY RETURNS for from where you've come or where you're headed on this fine sat. morn. !! ...oh ! so since youre up !...am i a paid up member at the mo' ? - think i somehow slipped through the net !? cheers malcolm
  13. ......F****** ! PRICELESS !! - NICE ONE !!
  14. Hi there ! Funny what you miss sometimes !! Anyone for an extremely tidy and very well built R32 GT-R with a heap of bolt ons new paint and blue stripes !?? Should as its not newer than a '94 model pay $20K Cheers malcolm
  15. Hi there Thanks for your post - you got the picture "first go !" - not many got that being the only one there is nothing to compare it to - i think people wanted to believe that nismo had to have built a whole new car for it to be something - its a gtst thats no longer the same gtst - morphed forever - its so fortunate that so many gtr parts bolted directly on - as with the plenum it doesnt matter a "rats" that its a greddy plenum with an RB-X GT 1 badge on it - the car is a "prototype 2500R" thats job is to "indicate" what "style" "look" and "performance" is being sought after from a brief - from the notes and drawings i have had translated in relation to this car production number two - P002 its pretty damn close if not exactly whats being described right down to the "new" r33 gtr wheel colour ! - its certainly unique rare one of a kind and got enough documented history to make it special - as far as Australias finest r33 i dont know - it could be the cleanest though. The timing belt cover a folder with notes & drawings badges & a plaque were in the car up the back next to the battery - horn button, wing end caps, coil cover specs and other bits and bobs did come (though outsourced i believe) via japan. My father worked his whole life on the board of directors of a huge american company called WEBB who build systems handling systems - things like baggage conveyors at airports and also funnily enough a lot of the production line conveyors for NISSAN car plants in japan america & australia - i was lucky enough to have at my disposal some excellent contacts here and in america that without would have made the whole task almost impossible - im still after 7 years stuck on the centre caps for the wheels as its noted but no clear indication of exactly what ?? - but hey thats what makes a prototype a prototype - a canvas on which to paint - a work in progress Thankyou again for your post its been very well received Cheers malcolm
  16. WORK !! - "dont you just love to hate to hate to love to hate it" Film & Television as - 1st Assistant Director - mainly music videos & commercials & a bit of comedy.......... ......most recently for these !! ** WARNING - coarse language ** link: link:
  17. Excellent topic ! & excellent thread !! Hi there - as someone who's been driving for 31 years and who has always owned "something" with a bit more get up & go than your average car all i can say is that the police have to be seen to be actively "policing" something. Its fair to say that anyone who owns a non standard car in the eyes of society in general is a "bit wild" "out there" and "mysterious". We're the rebels and the minority so it must be us - which is of course complete nonsense - as someone rightly said the number of imports on the road compared to other vehicles is tiny in comparison and "accidents" can be caused by anyone anytime in any car. However there are always brainless twits doing brainless twitty things on public roads like: A- burnouts (the one so called hoon activity ill never get if i live to be a thousand !!) B- racing C- drifing D- speeding & E- having an unsafe car ie: tyres/suspension...ans so on !! There is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for doing any of the above on a public road - EVER !! - and if you do do those things on a public road then you deserve to lose your points your license and your car. Save all the "crowd pleasing moves" for the track or better still the dancefloor. I once had the misfortune to witness a little girl playing with a friend in a park in a quiet street come to grief when an out of control driver in an out of control car full of his mates mounted the kurb sideways flew through the air and landed on her - she died after about an hour - just horrific !! So unfortunately it is the odd idiot who helps to keep everyone thinking that anyone in a "hoon mobile" is bad news. As far as defects go its best to get a real clear picture of what is a"defect" and make sure your car doesnt have any - in all my years driving in Datsun 1600's, a 180BSSS, Datsun 1600 & 2000 Fairlady Sports. 240Z and Skylines i have never been defected once - been pulled over plenty of times too - not being rude or giving "lip" or shit to a policeman can work wonders as well, if you stir him up he's going to give it back to you the only way he knows will hurt you the most and thats with the the book in his hand - there is the odd occasion when a defect notice is given for something that seems a bit over the top but 99.9% of defect notices are given out because thats exactly whats there and if it is obviously unfair take it to court and fight for your rights. Its really important to educate yourself on all of the laws in relation to motoring on public roads and be prepared for that unexpected random check and if you do see some brainless twit doing something that "could" be dangerous to other motorists or pedestrians or little girls playing in the park remind them or even take the time out to show them a better and more appropriate manner by which to operate their car. Knowledge is power and it starts with learning whats what & whats not !! Cheers malcolm
  18. Hi there - Well Terry did return my call but got my message service !! - he knows what we're planning and is happy to have us up there & to chat further What we need to do is to decide on a date that will give enough time to organise merchandise / raffle / auction and a Sunday thats not on the same weekend as a motorsport or other event as per Duncans request. Thought id give the Cumberland Newspaper Group a call - they might run an article if we can supply a few pics - you never know !! So the biggy is the date .... ??.....any further ideas ?? Cheers Malcolm - ps - can everyone please start telling heaps of people to come on the day NISSANS or not ! - and dont forget your donation !! - which i now think should be $20 per person & not $25 per car as i originally suggested as its ALL about a BIG fat cheque to put a BIG fat SMILE on somebodys face !!
  19. Hi adam - great you guys can make it ! I just tried Terry again on the mobile - no answer - ive left a message outlining what we're doing and he'll either ring me or ill call back early in the week. .....any further ideas on a date for the drive ?? & raffle ideas ?? - cheers malcolm
  20. EXCELLENT !! - thats a great idea !! - thanks for your support ! -
  21. Tried Terry on the mobile today but no luck ! - ill give it another go over the weekend and report back in ! Got any interesting item(s) youd be prepared to have raffled for a good cause ?? - post them up !! Any further ideas on the preferred date for the day ?? cheers malcolm
  22. I'll talk to them tomorrow, see what exactly is going on... THEN you can go rip people to shreads Any news ? I know this had been said but im going to say it again - "surely trophies are still being made for upcoming auto salons so why the BIG DISS on ours" ? All info greatly appreciated - m
  23. ABSOLUTELY !! Ride in on a skateboard if you like ! - thats what i meant by "aquaintances" sorry it probably couldve been clearer. Anyone in any car as far as im concerned - its for charity for kids - BRING IT ON !! Cheers malcolm
  24. Hi there Never meant to be rude - so sorry to that I went to great lenghts while building my car to learn what it was i had to do to ensure that it complied 100 %. I was simply pointing out that if you take the time to to educate yourself on what will defect your car and you still dont bother to do anything about it then dont go blaming the car or police. It seems that trying to get away with having a defect is ok !? Yes I have had my car checked and have been stopped by the police - no defects. The odd defect is sadly given wrongly but 99.99% are because thats exactly whats there. Cheers malcolm [edit] I took my car in and volunteered it for a "full" inspection just to make sure.
  25. Hi there Sounds to me that youre saying that a "full inspection" is a bad thing ?! If your car is second hand and has been owned by somebody else how do you know that prior to you buying it the previous owner did something to it that could potentially make it dangerous or unsafe ? If youre satisified that this isnt the case and youve done everything yourself to ensure that its ok well youve got nothing to worry about. Isnt having a defect free car thats safe for you to drive and safe for other motorists a good thing ? I think so ! Cheers malcolm
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