Car: 1993 Nissan Skyline GT25t Sedan (5spd)
Insurance company: Shannons Insurance
Cost: $1220
age: 23
driving history: no fines in the last 4yrs, no loss of license ever
gender: Male
mods: turbo, wheels, cooler, zorst, gauges, suspension, wastegate, bov, pod, stereo
post code: 6010
garage y/n: Y
alarm: Y
insured amount: $23,000
market or agreed value: Agreed
insured in parents name? No, my name
alarm category: AutoWatch with 3pt Immob
excess: $500
defensive driving course: N
stereo covered: Y, worth about $2000
wheels covered: Y, 20" worth about $4500
windscreen replacement y/n: Y, 1 per year with no excess
no claim bonus protection: N
age excess: $400
voluntary excess: N
pensioner discount: N
specified valuables covered: $500
Choice of repairer: Y
How many quotes needed for repairs: 1
covered for motorsport events: N, only training courses
pay by the month: Y, no extra charge via direct debit