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Everything posted by R34

  1. I think the RB26 with triple webers sounds the best suggestion But if you've really got your heart set on a V8 why not look at a Nissan or Toyota V8?
  2. I've owned them all from R30 to V35 First preference...Go the R33 if you can find a nice one or an R34
  3. Thanks Andrew I didn't know that. I've changed virtually every other bush in my car and fitted front and rear Selby swaybars so she should be nice and tight when back on the road.
  4. My car is not for sale Dennis
  5. Doesn't look much wrong with that paintjob Ricky !!! Is it in 2 pac or acrylic paint? Blemishes and dust in the paint is almost impossible to avoid so should look really good with a buff. You removing the flares for the buffing. Can I suggest you paint the bodywork under the flares black?
  6. I was surprised....by the price
  7. Is that 55,000 kms total milage covered on the Nismo cluster and the original cluster? Do you have any way to backup the mileage claim? If so I could be interested Cheers Chris
  8. Geez Ricky I don't think a V8 would be a good idea mate.(IMHO) L28 with tripple webbers would sound so cool with plenty of HP and be in keeping with the rest of the package. Failing that stick with an RB20 or 25. Looks great so far
  9. Northside Nissan Parts can cut them by taking the number off the original key. They have a special machine to do it so you then have an original not a copy
  10. Can't wait to see it finished. Thinking of painting my DR30 Ibis white (Audi) at some stage
  11. 3: Seems more likely to me Car looks closer to 480k than 200 by the pics provided
  12. White is bland Dennis? Obviously I'm biased I'd go for a Advan racecar or similar scheme
  13. Pay the fine and get over it They have proof you were speeding whereas you have no way to prove that you weren't. You may have thought you were only 1-2kms over but just a twitch of the throttle on a Skyline will have you increasing by 4kph without knowing it. I know you feel aggrieved but chances are 99% that you were speeding. They normally knock off a few kms so chances are you may have been doing more than they claim
  14. Be better to post how much it's been offered to you for plus pics. Otherwise you've already been given an accurate guide based on sketchy info...somewhere between $0 and $4000
  15. That second silver one with the Watanabe's is beautiful. What offset would they be? Need to find myself a set of 17's like that. Got any pics of white DR30's to give me some inspiration Marc?
  16. What is it about R30's? The older they get the better they look More pics please guys
  17. Why not just fit an electric fan ? Be plenty at the wreckers that could be made to fit
  18. To think he must've submitted dozens of signatures for Nissan to pick the best one Who is Pauel Bwinnnn anyway (just teasing Dennis)
  19. Couple of my Old School collection Number 001 of 200
  20. I dunno Dennis I'd kill for a set of these on my DR30
  21. Funny you saying that Someone came over today for a look with the possibility of buying her. She just sits under a cover for weeks as I'm to worried about idiots running into it. Was on the freeway today with a woman in a VN on the phone sitting about 2 metres off my rear bumper
  22. Some pics of my R31 SVD GTS2 Finally got the car out from under the car cover for some pics.
  23. Please read the rules No continual bumping
  24. Sounds like you were lucky. L series motors are tough and I'm sure all will be OK as long as you didn't loose oil pressure.
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