/start rant (sorry)
cops do disregard permits quite often, i have seen it many a time, even when the person in question is being totally polite etc etc, they say "well the car must have been different when you took it over pits" then what do you do? you try to do the right thing by getting permits and then they just get shoved back in your face, so really some of the time (not all) its a waste of time even getting permits, they need to have some kind of code to adhere by when putting yellow stickers on, cause as it is now i think most of the cars that get yellow stickers (ie: modded/performance cars) are the ones that shouldnt be getting stickers as they are (most of the time) in better nick than 70% of the other cars on the road, why not concentrate on the rust buckets and other sHi* that shouldnt be on the road, surely that would be the thing to do, as those cars are truley unroadworthy, whereas most of our cars are in tip top condition, but i suppose giving us yellows it makes them more money, cant win in the end, as far as im concerned it all revenue raising!!!!!
/rant over