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    1992 Nissan GT-R R32
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  1. Thanks DVS JEZ I figured that out. And fixed the problem. Thing is. I now have a better response with the throttle coat than I did with the factory sealer. So it was a bad judgement which turn out better for myself.
  2. GTRBANDIT are you having the same problem as in you took off your collector, replaced the gasket and cleaned the throttle plates and bore and removed the carbon?? I'm just curious, because if i solve my problem, i'll be able to help with yours. But i'm located in Melbourne
  3. Just a quiery, i found that 2 out of the 6 throttle gaskets on my rb26 had cracked through. Causing an air leak, BUT i never had any idle issue. The only issue i did have before doing the gaskets was that i would smoke screen the people behind me under heavy acceleration with unburnt fuel. The idle would still sit on 950 rpm. Since replacing the genuine paper gaskets with tomei steel ones, and cleaning around the throttle plates, my idle went to 2000rpm, so i then looked at the aac valve ajustment. Which was screwed all the way out, screwed it all the way in and the lowest it goes to is 1600rpm. I was then told by nismo performance that u have to re-adjust the linkages. I took them off the accelerator link, pushed toward the head (which would close the throttle plates if the linkages where too short) and no change in idle. I have checked for air leaks, which i have none!! So... First question if someone can help me is: Why didnt my idle go higher with the gaskets broken?? Secondly: Is it possible i created the air leak in-between the throttle plate and housing by cleaning them?? Thirdly: Is the Tomei Throttle Coat hard setting?? and lastly: How sure can we be, if i do seal the throttle plates with either rtv or tomei coat, that my idle will go back to normal, and if it doesnt, wat else can be a factor?? Ps. Instead of the rtv sensor safe silicon, wouldnt the tomei throttle coat be better?? Plus being meant to be used on throttle bodies?? Pps. Drove the car with high idle, no more unburnt fuel. So at least one problem was fixed. Thank you all in advance
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